I remember this.
I remember this.
Frederick Douglass Jesus as “an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.”
During her weekly press conference at Capitol Hill on Thursday, Nancy Pelosi said aloud what everyone’s been…
Same, girl. We all have to look out for each other, because this is going to be a long fucking road.
YES! Everything he did was interpreted by the Christian right in the least positive way possible. Donald, in contrast, is a “baby Christian”, despite being 70+ years old, so anything he does is interpreted as charitably as possible.
I probably should take a break honestly bc my eyes are always swollen from crying and I’m always shaking like a leaf.... people around me think I’m being over emotional, mind you these are my casual democrat friends who think DT is horrible but that I’m being a bit “dramatic”. Thank gawd for Jez. This is one of the…
Not really no. I mean I go on walks and eat and shower (sometimes) and sleep and stuff, but every time I do one of those things, this administration does something to edge us closer to a coup.
He sounds like that 35 year old man who brags about when he was the quarterback in high school.
I haven’t been to church since the Sunday after the election. I seriously don’t know what to do. I can’t have conversations with anyone there. My sisters in different states are in the same boat. Our faith and the book we’re reading are no longer reflected for us in mainstream Christianity. They don’t even resemble…
Five kids by three women, all of whom he’d cheated on, would have been the beginning and end of the story for Obama. The baby daddy jokes (married or not) would be endless. If he refused to release his tax returns, (white) people would speculate that it was because he was a drug dealer who only has cash income. If he…
Here’s another one that these people need to think about:
She’s not there to make friends
Christian groups are speaking out loudly about the Muslim Ban.
I’m sure he will, but Christians frequently claim to be above such instrumental reasoning. I guess, when push comes to shove, they’re willing to tolerate offensive and immoral behavior as long as they get what they want in the end. Who would have guessed? Oh, yeah, everyone....
I talk about this frequently with one of my friends at work. You think Obama would’ve had a chance if he were a thrice-married philanderer, or if he ever were caught on tape bragging about sexual assault, or if he refused to release his tax returns, or, or, or, or, etc infinity
There are Christians in America. The problem is they are drowned out by Christians who confuse Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich as the Gospel with the actual Bible.
Hey, Donnie, why don’t you use this prayer breakfast to reflect on Exodus 22:21