
Anyone else surprised that this guy is also a criminal justice major?

I think the real story here is that this is his FIRST ejection.

Ref: ‘Shows Red Card’


Coming from a Nationals and DC sports fan in general, and with respect, but Joe Maddon can shut right the fuck up about calls he doesn’t like that impact a game.

‘The very rigorous standard of evidence’ that is being demanded...

If I didn’t already know the story behind this, good for the team by the way, I still wouldn’t really be surprised by this headline.

I swear you guys are more dramatic with your headlines about Arsenal than Neymar when he gets touched in the box.

Down 0-1 in their first Europa League match in over 20 years isn’t the worst low to have as a Premiere League team when all is said and done.

People acting like he meant to do that when these pros have a hard time hitting the net on a PK.

I particularly like the pause before the fall to the ground after the shove. Gotta teach a faster reaction time at Man City I guess.

When will the players be wearing wristbands to protest the Umps blowing calls?

So as I’m guiding whitewater in the 110 degrees of Moab, there is still no excuse to be wearing shorts.

There’s gotta be a 1st amendment violation in there right?

Something tells me the owners of Buff also have some stake in the local news station.

How I Made It About Me: The Lavar Ball Story

Police responded and, hearing reports of a gun, promptly shot the first black person they saw.

Agreed, how dare someone enjoy a hobby that might be a little noisy from time to time.

I’ve always wondered when we would see a superstar take a significant pay cut just for the best opportunity possible at winning not just 1 title but what is probably going to be multiple titles. Yes $$$ is important but it looks like KD is the first person to see that he already has a shitton of $$$ so he wants the