
@zslane: Vaporizers are magical... Once I tried one I never consumed herbs through any other means.

@OMG...Jellyfish: Now, compare that with a large study on the long-term effect of alcohol or tobacco...

@Tadashii: Are you also for alcohol and tobacco prohibition? Those ruin more lives every year then marijuana has ever.

Set his *sights*?

The only one is that still has system access fees is Rogers. Everyone else dropped them a while back.

When was the last time you bought cell service up here? All the big carriers have a very good selection of top end smart phones, system access fees have gone the way of the Dodo, and plan prices as compared to the US are rock bottom. New carriers like Wind and mobilicity are offering unlimited everything (including

@MazdaMania: Hey now, we're getting much, much better up here. Don't compare us to them. It used to be bad like that, but now we've actually got some decent competition brewing around. The big carriers are still shit, but we've got a very good service gradient now, and you can get an iphone with a decent data plan,

"The brothers are currently have $3000 of their $10,000 goal"

Just be glad there only a slight chance a 4chan user will stumble upon this information...

Never bought from anywhere else!

Anyone who buys their HDMI cables anywhere but the internet is a sucker.

That doesn't address the central point that anyone could go out any buy an axe of similar quality and functionality for substantially less than any of these 'high end' axes. I wonder what the target demographic is for the boutique axe market?

Not a tree felling axe, but an American felling axe. For felling... Americans.

@lostarchitect: And all the electronics in your house are made in China... your point?

@The Project: Canadian Giz: The only 'true axe' I have is a small one for camping. I agree with the maul and saw though.

@lostarchitect: I can buy a similar axe for $40 or less at the local hardware store. What's so special about this one other than the price?

@lostarchitect: No that's absolute horse shit. This is the hipster of axes. Where the wood and steel come from don't make a lick of difference to how long it works. You just have to keep it well maintained.

Unless they boost the memory in this thing to at least 128GB and preferably 256, what kind of photog would want it? Anyone professionally taking photos likely already owns a laptop and a few 64GB cards.