
The old Gizmodo that reported on gadgets and awesomeness is completely gone now. This is the new Gizmodo. The monetized, sensationalized corpse that spews out inflammatory "articles" like this just for page-views and controversy.

Ignoring the whole Quattron gimmick, Sharp makes some great panels.

Buy a big HDD and a small SSD for exactly the same price. You end up with more storage and better speed.

They're pretty much a passed fad anyway. If you can even call them a fad. With Intel's RST you can get yourself a 1TB drive and a 60GB SSD for the same price and make your own hybrid drive.

They "look better" like a Bose audio system "sounds better". It's purely a gimmick designed to create oversaturated colours. All media content is recorded with three colour channels, and thus, is best reproduced with the same three colours. You're paying for an objectively worse picture that may 'pop', but is

If I spout a bunch of anecdotes about my experiences that are opposite of yours (buy nSeagate, avoid WD; only get OCZ SSDs, avoid Crucial) does that mean all the advice is moot?

These kind of extreme overclocking runs are for pushing the limits and bragging rights. They only have to boot into Windows, not actually run the chip fully stable under heavy loads or anything.

It was 8.249GHz, with all but one pair of cores enabled. Only stable to windows boot. Not in any way useful beyond saying that their chip achieved the greatest clock speed.


Too much heat. There's a reason the clock speed wars stopped after Pentium 4 days.

That's why you, you know, get tested.

Funny how they take down Megaupload; a site which is known to deal with DMCA notices quickly and efficiently, while sites like YouTube are left right alone. The tools are already there for copyright holders to find violations and get them removed. But rather than spend the money or do they work, they'd rather just

There's a reason there's so many clumped in the middle, and very few around the end :)

Have you tried those 'extra pleasure' condoms with the extra material at the top? They're designed to be loose up there.

I literally cannot compute how anyone could think a disgusting beard like that would be in any way attractive...

It's a loss leader designed to get people into the store.

Really? I got a brand new BMW 5-series for $1299!

Right, because I want to lug around a big, heavy mechanical keyboard to use with my tablet on the go.

Hey, he was just trying to sound smart!

Old article, but what the fuck Giz! These weren't 'your' recommendations, but word for word (and chart for chart) lifted from the Tom's Hardware page!