
Alright, I would just like to say that this new layout has COMPLETELY turned me off the site. Back to Engadget I go.

I believe the reason it seems 'like a video game' is because the entire frame is in focus. Theres no out of focus stuff up close or far away, and the colors are very vivid.

@IceMetalPunk: Seems like the most logical conclusion to me. Kind of like how when they make too much content for an episode of family guy, they cut bits out and use them as non sequiturs during other episodes.

@Chernobyl: The Bible's the only book I need! I never actually read it, but it's still on the shelf! /american

@PsychoSuperman: This is why the first thing I did with my iPod touch was jailbreak it and install installous. I've never paid a cent to apple for music or games. And yes, I do donate to small devs directly to support their work. And I buy stuff through Cydia.

@Caturday Yet?: Well, the first option is get adults to do the same job. They showed earlier in the episode with the mesh experiment that it was possible to focus a bunch of mirrors on a spot.

@Caturday Yet?: Yeah but when they did it with a bunch of middle school kids? It was quite clear that the group as a whole had terrible aim. Therefore they should AGAIN re-test this thing.

@Lazarus: Yeah I'll back that up. My 3.5G UMTS/HSPA+ Blackberry causes the typical GSM clicking sometimes.

@ZZZYZZZ: There's a difference between overthrowing a dictator who's been in power 30 years and a democratically elected president who hasn't even finished his 4 year term!

@theimmc: So get a small one, stick all the important stuff on it, and then keep an HDD for storage! Best decision I ever made (computer storage wise...)

@kschang: Kill it with fire. Every time.

@Kaiser-Machead: As much as I wish I could have the apps and functionality of an android or WP7 device, I still absolutely love my BB Bold. Even picked up an iPod touch to fill in all the media and game functionality that Blackberrys definitely do not excel at.

@AlfLup: Touché sir, touché.

@schunniky: And you only have to solve the inside squares.

Since he's got it set up so you only have to solve the center squares... this would actually be quite easy. It would take a while, sure, but not really that hard.

@supergeek1694: Hence why we all now have these beautiful ICBMs.

@Bricked: Exactly. Yeah I still own an original DS, but truthfully, the only game I ever spent time finishing on it was Pokemon Diamond. And HeartGold.

@chefgon: I'm guessing T-mobile and its 1700mhz AWS band?