
@Badmofo: Think of it more as a portable PS3 with built in screen, battery and controller. Better?

@DrDankstone: This. I too would much rather have this big, gorgeous screen, and comfortable hand grips, to something terribly un-ergonomic like the PSPgo.

@Ash Paulsen: Sony's goal with the PSP has and always will be to re-create as close as possible the console playstation experience in your hands.

So basically Sony actually listened to people this time around? This thing looks fucking sweet! REAL THUMBSTICKS. As long as it isn't priced outrageously high, which it might very well be, I can definitely see myself getting one.

Well, it's just like how a McDonald's hamburger patty is '100% pure beef'.

@Shamoononon: That would have to be classified under 'beef by-products'. And since I don't see that, or even 'mechanically separated beef' in there, it seems pretty legit to me.

@brillow: Don't forget the beer.

@NoMoreTrolls: For your second paragraph: Amen friend.

@mrantimatter: Nobody buys a smartphone 'for gaming'. It just happens to be a great side benefit that would likely make many of these owners re-think buying a separate gaming device. Sure, it'll sell well with teenagers who own dumbphones, but that's not what we're comparing here.

@tyler.derden: By that logic everyone should just buy an iPod touch. (actually, that's what I did!)

@Ian Logsdon: You guys get great, cheap phones and only on 2 year deals... but DAMN do they ever bleed you dry on the plans. It would cost me over $110 a month in the states for what I basically pay $50 for now.

@Baxis-V: "Here, have this free refurbished nokia candybar."

@mrantimatter: Yes but whether or not you have a PSP you're almost guaranteed to still have a smartphone. Therefore I don't really think it's fair to include the price of the plan if you'd have one regardless. If you get one on contract you're only down maybe $200. So it's more a question of would you be willing to

@Mr_Quackers: Don't forget the Nadi Ice. And the gamecube. It's a cube... and it plays games!

@Asterra: Almost every disc based game sold for ether system is rendered in 720p and upscaled anyway. Just not enough power.

@mrantimatter: Even the most expensive iOS/Android games only run about $10. If sony charges $40 (a very conservative estimate) for the games on the PSP2, you could still get 4 smartphones games for the price.

@Br00talBowser: I don't think he's implying he's going to let them gather dust... rather he won't spend any more money acquiring new consoles.

@xTRICKYxx: Well in all fairness the xbox is 5 years old... and the PS3 4. Graphics can only get better up to a certain point.