
@revdrkevind: Read the whole article next time. Maybe you'll get what the whole point of it was.

@mrsilver: Next time read the whole article before posting some inane comment.

@themightyspitz: I may use store-brand zip-tip bags, tissues and storage containers; but it's not going to stop me from calling them Ziploc bags, Kleenex and Tupperware.

@ericesque: It could definitely pass for something animated in true animation software.

@SDSpeed: If I bring a couple thousand round of ammo... might you consider sharing?

@Shamoononon: Go with a big group of friends, set up a perimeter of cars flipped on their side, and defend the mother like nothing else!

@Spinnukur: And stock some Iodine pills.

@spider2544: This is why you should always have an emergency stockpile of food and water... And you know, other essential stuff like a crank radio and flashlights.

So basically you're saying I need to bring a flask of whisky with me... I can do that.

@SewerShark: He wasn't saying that the whole concept of being thrown into a videogame world was what made the movie bad; he said the shitty plot made it bad.

@xhedgehogx: I hope they buy him a new one!

@DGTLHRT: A marvelous idea!

The twitter account for Operation Payback posted that an attack on Amazon was to take place, but in reality the 'leaders' (if you can call them that) on the IRC kept the attack aimed at paypal because the Amazon servers would never cave with the amount of volume we were able to send.

@tdvx: Apparently the power company pays for it, or so a bunch of commenters from the area have said.

@shooga: Power company foots the bill for it.