I’m sorry. When people use “Aspergers” or “autistic” as a slur I get that same gut punch. It sucks, but calling it out with dignity is a strong way to fight back. ❤️
I’m sorry. When people use “Aspergers” or “autistic” as a slur I get that same gut punch. It sucks, but calling it out with dignity is a strong way to fight back. ❤️
Well, in my day bear mothers didn’t hover over their children helping them out every time they slid over a waterfall. They taught self-reliance. No sir, when I was a cub back in 2009 if I did that kind of foolishness, the next time was trying to feed on a rotting elk carcass my mother would give me a swat on the…
“Which is troubling, because I’m not sure Donald Trump knows what he’s legally allowed to do!”
YES! I mean all the people who dislike her for lying? Have they heard Trump at all?