
Hey, NetFlix, put closed captioning in your trailers.

My wife and I are fans. We’ve seen them a few times. I like their earlier, studio stuff a lot more than their recent two albums.

Found the namby pamby.

Just finished an entire run of Justified (had only seen the first two seasons).

Can this be a new genre? Where Kevin Smith gets press for talking about movies that he hasn’t seen?

I think the GF wants to play faster, but he’s keeping it slow.

I hope you’re right. They look great (the Minis always have) but the key is going to be controlling the cost.

To answer the question in the headline, based on the history of the new Mini and without having driven the electric version: No. The fun to cost ratio will be so out whack that 10 of these will sell.

My recommendation, if you have to punch the new blazer, do so from any where from 3 o’clock to 5:30 or so. The thing has a blindspot you could run an eighteen wheeler in to, killing your whole family in conflagration of pain and anemic, automotive choices.

Same as last time, “No comment.”

My wife has made similar comments.

May the road rise up to the meet you.

Now playing

Whatevs, this is a well known and established strategy.



But, Rebel Wilson. I’ll be there opening weekend if they can make it through marketing with her doing a fat joke (assuming the above trailer didn’t include one; had to watch without sound on at work).

F*ck those people.

Also, it appears tomorrow for VIP members and August 1 for everyone else.

I need to pick it up before September, as I’m getting married in a treehouse; and we feel this is an appropriate decoration for the welcome table.