
It’s actually a super strong season this year! Most of the “smaller” stuff goes away pretty quickly because they’re limited runs, but:

HAND TO GOD (Bway) - It is the best kind of ridiculous, suprisingly deep, dirty, over-the-top-with-a-heart show.

THE HUMANS at RTC - I didn’t really like it but apparently I’m in the

ehhhh... I’m excited for First Daughter Suite (Public Theater) and Waitress. But there’s not too many great things...

Any under-the-radar shows out right now that you heavily recommend?

I don’t believe there’s any such thing as printer-customer confidentiality.

The thing about this kind of lying is that it is so human. Anyone, no matter how good a person they are, can get caught up in it. Still shitty.

A Texas State University student got a DUI...

I have got to do what you know everyday that means you have to check on blood on your clothes or face. Are you a vampire slayer? 00 agent? Medical professional?

you people are blowing my mind... shepards AUGUST!? It’s so hot I would turn turn an ice cube sandwich right now.

And now he gets to be 100% of the relationship with himself!

Now playing

No Ghosting else he will come at you with everything he’s got.


I can only guess that perhaps they had not, in fact, reached the Chinese restaurant, but rather a gleeful prankster one digit off?

poor Jeff never gets his props.

They would endure anything for us.

I am struggling to fathom how a clearly intelligent person wasted this much of his own life rationalizing this fucking band. Now I am trying to rationalize why I read the whole damn article too.

As long as he steers clear of this territory:

What is “No Way In Hell” Alex?

I wanted to say something longer or more emphatic. When the in-laws (or, God forbid, my parents) say something about how he won't "let" me do something, I feel the overwhelming need to show everyone that, if I can conceive, carry, and deliver a baby ... allowing him to participate in naming it is a courtesy I'm

any future offspring may well get my last name to prove I can.

I remember reading a book set in a matriarchal society where one character commented to a foreigner, "We trace lineage through the mother's side. One can never be certain who the father is." It was a throw-away line, but it's stuck with me for decades.

That being said, I kept my name when I got married because I'm