
I always assumed it was so people like me wouldn't think it was a Chris Brown song and immediately change the station.

And I'm an atheist who loves the shit out of religious Christmas songs. I don't care what anyone says. The more Jesus in my Christmas songs, the more I love them.

Owning up and saying, "I messed up, I am sorry" in such a public way? SUPER ROMANTIC! (I am not being sarcastic!)

It's Dodai, Ms. Stewart if you're nasty.

I thought it was adorable. Have we really all become so jaded and pessimistic that we can't enjoy a couple's happiness over the woman's pregnancy?

Or the one where the lady asked him what his phone background was, and he just said "rocks." And then he showed her his phone and it was literally just photo of a pile of rocks. Incredible.

That is a beautiful, haunting mental image.

That is the best, most accurate origin story ever.

I'm sorry; someone BESIDES Tom is in this video?

I would love to spend one day as him and just experience the warm freedom you must feel when you are happy-go-lucky and brainless. I bet it's incredible.

I'm not mad at these people for making the video. They are happy and I'm happy for them. I get that some people are t into making pregnancy into a big deal, but I can't have kids so you better bet if I got miraculously prego I would make a huge fucking deal about it- and my friends WOULD CARE. I am a bit peeved at Jez

I would argue that some narcissism is normal and typical of pregnancy— because, really, no other pregnancy should be as important to you as yours. It has the greatest impact on you than any other pregnancy, so it would make sense to devote mental and emotional energy to it— more so after experiencing such a loss.


He doesn't look pathetic enough. I don't think anyone has called him a bastard or told him how little he knows today.

I recommended your post just for the pleasure of unrecommending it a second later.

Between her blog and her speech I can't believe that she's only twelve. Her parents should write a parenting book.

Well, you have to drink all the vodka once it's opened, or else it goes bad!

I watched it on Soap Net. They played 2 episodes a day and I just waited for the pilot to air and then set my DVR up to record the series.

If you get SoapNet (not all cable providers carry it), they show it at 5 and 6 on weekdays, and they're approximately halfway through the second season. They also show 3 episodes on Saturday mornings (and repeat the same 3 on Sunday afternoons) but that's at a different point than they're at on weekdays.

You can watch the pilot here. They used to have all of the episodes (which is how I caught up), but pulled them after the Kickstarter campaign started. It would definitely be worth is to buy the Season 1 DVD.

You know what would be great? If would interview her about her work. It's not as big a platform as the Today Show, but since we're all sitting here griping about how she got conned out of her chance to tell a broad audience about her nonprofit...