
He didn't write "If." He wrote "To." There's a big difference there and makes it an actual apology.

I would have liked it better if he'd said "To everyone I've offended..." rather than "anyone," but he's still not making it conditional. Actual apology achieved.

C'mon, why even buy a Ginsu if you're not going to put on demonstrations?

I've heard that Wayans is great on Happy Endings, but there is no way he is better than Winston. He is the sleeper hit of my heart. I was all Schmidt for a while, then I thought maybe I was a Nick Miller girl, but apparently Winston was just sneaking up on me a little bit every week. Can I get a Winston gif party

I agree. This isn't like a Yes Men style prank, where they're intentionally making awful companies acknowledge what they've done. This was almost more of a suggestion for what Playboy COULD do.

I think this is a serious misreading of what's going on with this hack job.

I don't know anything about this movie, but a bunch of my friends have seen the show, and by all accounts it's hilarious.

Today is like "TRL for grownups."

In the little blurb in my Notifications dealiewhopper? Made it look like you were saying this to me! And I was all trembling lip and shit.

"Get in a time machine and go back 12 years. Then go fuck yourself."

I hope it's not over. I hope there is much acting out and wildly inappropriate behavior relating to this subject, at least through the end of the week.

Is eating breakfast healthy? Is skipping breakfast unhealthy? These are the questions that matter, why does everything need to be framed by weight loss?

This post has been up for 6 minutes. Three comments, one is a troll. How the fuck do they do it? Keep 'em in the grey, folks.

Ahem... the troll with an obvious troll name has showed up already.... Oh darn am I overusing the word troll? The asshole with the asshole name... Leave them in the grey please....

Obviously, this is a stupid piece of this school's dress code. However, if you pay any attention to "education reform" news you will see very quickly that charter schools are often hotbeds of idiotic decisions and poor educational practices. But the current powers-that-be in education (who range the political

"That book wasn't even good porn! For Christ's sakes someone needs to give you kids some Marquis de Sade!"

There's a little Eminem, a little Lion King and some Billy Ray in that too... they make the whole horrible song into a poignant conversation between a man and a his daughter and they correct the grammar too. I love Bastille. (Album is only $6.99 on itunes right now too.)

Now playing

I'm going to leave this right here. And you're welcome.

That's not A-hole... that not paying any attention and getting away lucky... Or she is a weak rider and pulled farther out then she planned.

I'd hit that. (If I was driving that bus)

You know, teenage girls post pretty dumb photos on the internet sometimes, but it's clear that they don't intend those photos to be scrutinized at family dinner tables and described in detail on blogs. Yes, they put those photos on social media, but clearly they mean them for their friends, etc.