Yep, that's her! Part of how you can tell is during the tv interview with her mom, she starts cracking faces like she did in the viral video. Total little ham. Little ham of cuteness.
Yep, that's her! Part of how you can tell is during the tv interview with her mom, she starts cracking faces like she did in the viral video. Total little ham. Little ham of cuteness.
Time to sublet?
That's how I feel about all the VC Andrews books... my Mother actually owns every single one of them in paperback form. I think I started reading them when I was in my mid-teens when my Mom said 'yo, check this shit out, it's messed up as FUCK.' And no, I'm not exaggerating because my Mother and I both have a love…
I suffer from ingrown hairs on my face (I call it Blackne since it's prevalent in my family) but I've found that safety razor shaving, every other day, helps eliminate that greatly. I have a goatee, but the rest of my face gets the bumps, so shaving regularly helps with that a lot.
Cosigned. Because if I don't have some shadow/beard, I have a rash of ingrowns and acne that literally connect and form the most painful beard of red, puffy, pussy and painful skin ever - in the exact shape of a beard.
I encourage men to get a cheap beard trimmer cuz it doesn't leave ingrown hairs/BLOOD.
lol. what kind of perv sees a man without a beard and thinks about children?
Those guys need a note from their doctor so if any pain in the ass employer says anything they are covered. You can get out of polyester uniforms this way as well, sensitive skin can be a bonus sometimes, haha.
See also: pubic area.
Lame! What is the point of the whole thing if you cut out the most salacious, seedy parts?!
They totally cut it out.
Has anyone seen the old movie (with Louise Fletcher and Victoria Tennant)? Did they cut out the whole incest thing in that movie, or did I just miss it because I've only seen the TV version? (Or was that movie made for TV? So many questions!)
Cunningulus songs > fellatio songs.
*Reads awesome comment*
I have the same reactions when one of my guy friends says this to me. "I didn't really believe in feminism until I had a daughter!"
As a religious person who has been randomly attacked and laughed at by smug atheist friends for THINGS I DON'T BELIEVE IN AT ALL, just because yes, I am in fact Christian, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. If I hear one more gross over generalisation such as "ALL Christians have a problem with sex" or…
I saw Harry Shearer at the fish counter in Whole Foods and almost hyperventilated.
Okay, that made me laugh. Mostly because she clearly didn't want to bother Matt Damon or propose marriage or fuck up the shoot. It started out as a fun day out and as obstacles popped up it turned into a quest of "we have invested this much of our time and dignity into seeing Matt Damon and by God WE WILL SEE MATT…