
Should A-Rod be charged with murder or just involuntary manslaughter?

I probably deserved that. Good day, kind sir!

“Torontonians clearly miss hockey season.”

Exactly. There’s nothing wrong with slow handling of the balls and a little mechanical play.

I came here expecting boners. I left displeased.

Choosing not to hire a 43-year-old cheater is not especially collusion.

If the steroids testing is ineffective nowadays, why aren't players routinely hitting 50 homers a year, much less 60?

“which would be great”

Sometimes when you act like an asshole, people treat you like an asshole.

Oh shit. I knew that. Thanks.

This was actually and error so no RBIs were awarded. Either way, Go Rangers!

Deadspin are more of a soccer blog than baseball

Single and E-9. No RBI. Do you even baseball, Bro?

I’ve seen the video (only available in Canada). Sportsnet not only took advantage of their relationship with a Blue Jays player as a Rogers employee (Sportsnet is owned by Rogers) in order to get a personal one-on-one segment, but they used Devon Travis’ likeness to promote local suit retailer GotStyle (including

“You’ll regret pissing off your star player. I guarantee it.”

“Let’s take a rookie to get a makeover” is not journalism. Fuck you, pay him.

I am sick and tired of these noises. Bat Flips and these Tony Hawk moves of the bat are simply bonkers in yonkers. I love it. Let the kids play.

One. The Orioles did it on June 16th.

If “Money Ball” taught me anything, it’s that the kid’s WAR had better be solid or he’s washing his own uniform.

I guess he is not used to having people finishing behind him in F1.