
On the plus side, this will mark the first time a shitshow features actual shit.

The news is out that Gawker Media, our parent company, is up for sale as part of a filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.

A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue


Has anyone here read House of Leaves? It’s a bizarre, terrifying, and very compelling book with several layers of narrative that completely breaks apart the way a book is traditionally structured. To give you a brief idea of what it looks like, here a few examples of what pages in this book look like here, here, and he

I feel like you really do need to know my Threes score, tho

Absent the context behind this well-done design I think one could be forgiven if (like me) they assumed the photo was of a Dreamcast found in a landfill.

Vote: Vizio e500 (~$450)
Why: Incredible picture - even after having it for 5months, I am still amazed by the picture. Smart TV features work well. All the inputs you could want.

Vote: Spotify

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It's never been easier to make a video game, but it's still not a walk in the park. Gunpoint creator Tom Francis wants to help. Francis wrote about games before he started making them, and Gunpoint's success allowed him to go full-time. Now, he's giving back with a series on development. First up? Writing code.

You might know me, you might not, but my name's Patrick Klepek, and I'm the newest addition to the Kotaku family.