
For whatever it’s worth, the first time I ever heard this phrase was when Jeff Tweedy sang it in Loose Fur’s “Hey Chicken” (2006), and I’d just found it a clever bit of wordplay.  Now I’m embarrassed.

“almost criminal”

Must’ve missed that. Oh well. My comments remain the same; I’m more concerned about it than I’d like to be.

Are we allowed to talk about it yet? I wasn’t sure if the NDA was over. If it’s OK, then - I have to admit I was a little underwhelmed. It’s not as sharp graphically as I’d hoped, but that’s not what bothers me - what bothers me is that it looks like they tried to turn Mirror’s Edge into an Assassin’s Creed game, with

Now that I own a house, I’m actually thinking of getting it hooked up to my new TV. And meanwhile, the INSTANT that they finally announce a Skies of Arcadia HD remastering, I’m the first person in line.

I was gonna say - this looks a lot like my Dreamcast now, the one that’s been sitting in a box for 10 years.

There might be an expiration date; I’d accidentally deleted my “Favorite Songs of 2012” playlist quite some time ago, and all I got was a message saying “We had an error retrieving your deleted playlist. Please try again later.” Could very well be that this post is jamming up the tool, but it’s more likely that I

Yeah, I meant specifically next-gen remasters. I already own all of the games I mentioned on both 360 *and* PC, and I'd totally buy them again on PS4/XBO.

Yeah, Red Dead is probably my favorite game of the last generation, and I'm sincerely bummed that there's no PC version, and also that there's been no talk of Red Dead 2 as far as I can tell. Which is surprising, isn't it? Didn't Red Dead do extraordinarily well for Rockstar and Take Two?

I want a Rockstar "Orange Box" package: some combination of Red Dead, Max Payne 3, L.A. Noire and/or GTA4. It'll never happen, but I would definitely pay for that (if only because my 360 died and I can't play Red Dead anymore).

oh god.

A Sega/Nintendo union would very possibly be the one thing that gets me excited about Nintendo again. I never had any Nintendo systems as a kid, so I don't have any warm nostalgic feelings about them - but I loved the hell out of my younger brother's Genesis. And for the record, I would buy a WiiU right this

No love for Bit.Trip Runner 2?

* *Worth:* $4407.07

Rayman 2; one of the finest 3D platformers of all time. Played it to death on the Dreamcast.
