I feel the same way about dog, turtle, bunny etc. racing as I do about horse racing. That there are shitty people that do shitty things. As far as Michael Vick? Shitty quarterback.
I feel the same way about dog, turtle, bunny etc. racing as I do about horse racing. That there are shitty people that do shitty things. As far as Michael Vick? Shitty quarterback.
It was more for my amusement than anything, and I'm a lil bit mean, lol.
Rosie is a sweetheart, or maybe she was just entertaining me until she could escape cause I was that dumb kid asking anyone who walked by if I could ride. It was.. geeze.. ages ago before I realized that girls weren't riding in the main races because I was watchin' her hotwalk, so I just figured she wore silks too.…
Louisville becomes a city of Babel about 2 weeks before tomorrow/today. (It's 0230 here.. so.. Derby Day.) Peeps are nuts right now! It's so much fun to hear all of the languages spoken in the same manner of excitement or stress or whatever. I don't know why, but it's a hugely different feel than the other two points…
I'm going to try to address some of your concerns, but at this time I won't be pulling up the actual proof that I'm sure you require and won't believe if I did anyway. So.
I commend you for drinking mint juleps. I feel that it's my duty as a Kentucky girl to gulp one down once a year, but I always have a whiskey back on hand to make it all better, haha.
Relevant to the physically perfect human beings and my new dream to become a microphone..
Looks too much like my ex for me to like this too much unless I ignore his head. I'm okay then, haha. And yes, your pics are showing up. For some reason to the person who posted the picture, it looks like a broken link.
I just spit all over my screen, thanks for that. I was thinking the same thing.
Whelp. The purring Lardass Li'Kabutt erased the eloquent phrasing I had going. Something along the lines of if you like historical pieces that don't skew romantic, I adore it, and I like that it has me slightly questioning my morals and life standpoint.
That was my parental make-up. I always find it interesting to see what pops out of a black head/red head mix. The shades of hair seem to be unlimited.. and very confused. I started out very black brown, then shot to blonde, then was a neato golden brown that glowed all angry fire in the sun, then settled on a dark…
I read a few of the summaries that came up from Google, and that sounds fascinating. Thanks for the tip. :)
Did you see the comment about white girls dancing in black/latino club that's gotten super bumped up? What the fuckshits, man? That should be greyed and not ahead of the many intelligent threads behind it.
It had never occurred to me to view sexuality as a force of economics, and now I feel like a dunce because.. dur. I relate the two quite often and just never made that very obvious leap. Looks like I needed a good flick in the forehead, thanks!
Our original discussion was centered around sexuality and its prevalence and permeation in most, if not all, aspects of society. From there it was brought up that, while not erasing sexual identity, what if the labels simply weren't there for it? That was a bit harder to wrap out heads around because we weren't…
Yup. Equality would almost work to enforce and marginalize oppressions rather than create the Utopia that everyone idealizes. (I'm a giant cynic, can you tell?) It would follow along the lines that color- and gender- blindness do. I thought of something else that would suffer without identifiers: various areas of…
It came up in the terms you're talking about as in it's a culture versus a fetish. Since you think of it that way, what do you see as potential downfalls of having a lack of identifiers?
When I was discovering the bits and pieces of my sexuality, I came to the conclusion that, as things stood (and still mostly do) I didn't fit into any of the categories. I wasn't completely hetero, but I wasn't truly bisexual either. But without fail, people got more upset when I couldn't tell them what I was even…
I'm in grad classes where we're actually allowed to think for ourselves, and the topic of a society without sexual identity came up. Basically, can you imagine a society in which you could desire whomever you please, same-sex or opposite sex, and not have to label it as gay, straight, bi, etc? What would the…
I'm gathering from various Jezzies that I need to go ahead, cave, and watch this.