
Same here. No family history, and I always find myself accidentally feeling myself up because my boobs are super soft and touching them is fun. My gyn hasn't mentioned mammograms to me yet, but I wouldn't undergo one if she did. My mom has fibrous boobs, and one of the regular doctors I had told me the chances were

That's what I've read.

I hope so, but I'm more so hoping that the questions are related to just HOW the brothers mindset got to the place it was and not HOW the acts were carried out especially if they were in the states for as long as they were. (If that can be believed, that is.)

I hadn't heard that, but I'm not surprised that the older one was as much as I'm not surprised that the younger brother wasn't. In the scheme of things, the 7 (7?) year age difference is a large enough difference mentally that I think the 19 year old had a bit of hero worship going on and was much more likely to be

I now plan to use ignoranus every chance I get - including situations where it doesn't make sense - because of its brilliancy. Brava!

Is it a sign that I'm too much of a cynic that I'm generally shocked that the kid was taken alive? That aside, yay. I'm thankful those residents and the law enforcement involved can now start to feel a modicum of peace.

That would've been awesome.

It aired here, too, and I just couldn't get over how her only answer to her having sex on tape was that she "just doesn't call it that." Okay, but then what happened other than having had sex.. on tape. It wasn't porn, it wasn't a sex tape, it wasn't a porn tape (Apparently porn and porn tape are different things in

If I pull back a little of the wrist fat, I found mine.

The time I mind-melded with Doug Barry. No judgies. I'm a blog virgin in this circuit. I'm gonna go hide now.

I literally just wrote a blog about this. I wonder who else is in my head at this very moment thinkin' my thoughts. Or.. am I in someone's head right now?

In the high end escort community, it's not unheard of to eventually find attraction in the longer escort/john relationships. Sure, it's not tradition attraction. It's something based more on comfortability and general affection, but it's still there.

I was debating with someone the other day about attraction and how

You guuuuyz. They were making themselves into balls. There were BALLS of OTTER bobbing all sorts of around and up and down.

Has anyone heard anything about Westboro getting in on this as far as protesting at funerals and memorials go? A friend of mine mentioned it in passing, but I haven't found any concrete information yet.

My take is identification is entirely up to the family as mourning and grief are intensely personal and varied

I snarf/lol'd. You hit the nail so squarely on its ooky l'il head.

I had a nicely written out reply to you, moved the reply box, lost it, wrote a new one.. lost that.. I'm hopeless or kinja is. Anywho, I think your pie is delicious and heartily agree.

Can I be your friend simply for adoring your Blazing Saddles reference?

And gets away with it because of a recognizable name.. gads of us are fooled.. yaddayaddablah. Pingu's on the mental chalkboard of asshats many of us have started and is just doing his best to prattle until BAM.

Bliss. Amiright?

".. immediately looking for.." (Tired. So tired.)

Goodness. Seems like the wolves attacked over something, and there I was all, "Lookit at all the shiny hail-y ice balls outside," when I should've been throwin' them a sheep or three. I offer cuddles for my shameful absence.

.. and an ice ball.