Couch Gnome

Clearly you didn’t read the comment I responded to then. Try again.

No 21 year old has ever made a stupid decision ever in history, and if they did they definitely deserved to die, you’re right.

And openly sob like I couldn’t do in the theater for fear of frightening the children next to me.

It absolutely is not.

Hey we’re just being logical!

Crimson Peak Tom Hiddleston’s bare ass was so preeeeeeetty though

I mean if they committed suicide, they wanted to die, so I would assume they’ve moved on.

Gee, I can’t imagine why that might be the case.

Will you marry me?

I think you missed my point, hon.

Oh I didn’t realize your posts and your posts alone were sacrosanct in this public forum.

Aren’t you a treat.

It’s like that in the book too. He’s meant to be that way.

Why do you say it’s stupid?

Our thoughts and prayers are with you in these trying times.

A most satisfying w(h)ine that would be indeed.

Yeah because it’s not like throughout the entirety of history women haven’t been portrayed as vain, money-obsessed sluts with no more depth than their ability to con a man out of his livelihood and happiness.

I know I left that tiny violin laying around somewhere...

Misandry isn’t actually a Thing, you know that right?

It must be SO HARD for men to have to see themselves portrayed in a less than favorable light.

Pretty sure men can control toxic masculine behaviors by...not engaging in them.