When they keep retconning the characters so hard there is no way to let character drive plot in a consistent way.
When they keep retconning the characters so hard there is no way to let character drive plot in a consistent way.
If you lived in the 90s you lived in a time where almost all public well known feminists supported Bill Clinton and allowed Monica Lewinsky to be demonized.
(First, a caveat: my opinions on this are based on the BTVS Universe, where having a soul is a Christianity-based concept that supposedly makes a distinct change in a being’s behavior and motivations. I don’t actually think the real world operates this way.)
Xander intentionally neglects to provide Buffy with life-threatening information about Willow’s attempt to reinvoke Angel’s curse, instead telling Buffy to “kick his ass”. This betrays Willow’s trust and endangers Buffy. After Buffy comes back from her L.A. freakout over having to send her lover to hell, Xander calls…
Today, following the season premiere of Season 2 of Riverdale, the saucy teen noir that takes the Archie Comics…
I can’t with the goatees. Makes it snap shut.
They made it somewhat clear from the beginning she’s a Hillary-type Democrat, tho they never said it. All the programs she tried to pass were family-leave style programs oriented towards the poor and single mothers and Selina is anti-Big Oil and anti-Big Business (while taking money from them, lol.) Plus, during the …
Oh, THAT scene. If Dan is infertile, as we saw when Catherine and Marjorie ask him to be their sperm donor, isn’t that a major inconsistency? Is Amy lying? Did I miss something? Do I care too much about this show?
Fuck this woman. You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
I’m autistic with ADHD, wasn’t diagnosed with either till my fucking 30s. I badly struggled in school but I was ‘so bright’ so people just shrugged their shoulders and did nothing. Ahhh the 80s-early 90s.
He looks like a little kid caught between expressions by a pool photographer. Listen. I hate Trump as much as anybody. But Barron is a CHILD. Stop dissecting his every expression. Leave. Him. Alone.
The only thing “wrong” with Sheldon is that he’s on the spectrum and he’s never had a single person in his life acknowledge that fact and help him to understand how he can relate to the world successfully. Once you know and care about someone with ASD, the show becomes absolutely unwatchable for how they (the show…
Ugh I hate when people do shit like that. Maybe married men should stop philandering?
Karlie, there’s no need to pose. Please stick to the videos and songs that you’re used to.
I know this is anecdotal, but i saw dementia upclose with my father.
Dad had always been a cool guy, he didn’t blow up when he was angry, he was always a very tolerant person, he had varied tastes in music, film and TV. He had his consumption fetiches (he likes horses, cars and stuff like that) but he was also smart…
To cancer. There is definitely something very near a religion around pot. I don’t have a problem with legalization on a state level — keeps the tobacco companies out of it if it’s illegal nationally — but I don’t think it’s going to cure everything.
And there is no way treating pot as a safe, non-lethal panacea to solve all problems from depression to chronic pain will come back to bite us in the ass.
Did anyone else notice how readily Dorit agreed with PK at dinner? Almost before she had any time to digest what he said. It makes me believe that she automatically supports anything that comes out of his mouth because he pays her to. I mean, I can’t imagine anyone happily climbing on top of that toad if money wasn’t…