
“But MC’s description of the interaction was really kind of weird because I’m not sure that I see TS asking MC to defend TS to Asian Americans.”

In the end, TS is still in the movie. She was merely looking to explain herself and get a approval from MC.

“MC’s description of the interaction was really kind of weird because I’m not sure that I see TS asking MC to defend TS to Asian Americans.”

TS comes across at once open to concerns, but at the same time very much closed off to them.

Thank you. I can see that perspective.

Agreed on all points. And this conversation was definitely too fraught and nuanced to be had over email.

I don’t have a problem with blasting someone publicly if what you’re saying is honest, but MC’s whole “can you tell them...” thing never happened, and the “I have an Asian friend” was in the context of MC telling her to use her platform to produce Asian content and TS describing an upcoming project that does just

While I agree Cho’s characterization is off, Tilda is also missing the mark in these emails. Tilda is benefiting from the whitewashing of a character, but won’t look at the historical significance of this because she personally doesn’t feel that way. As a person of color, that is definitely one of the most aggravating

The far Left wants the narrative to be how Clinton fucked up so they can say, “We told you to pick Bernie,” when, in fact, Clinton ran a masterful campaign in the face of criticism from both the Right and the far Left. She did win by 3 million votes, after all. The Comey letter to Congress was a bullet to the heart of

I was an organizer in Michigan. Obama alums were on the HRC campaign. That’s really all I will say. If anything, I think we underestimated the radicalization of white men and that white woman would vote race over gender. Let’s move forward.

They borrowed heavily from the Obama campaign which was famous for its data driven approach. He spent money on grassroots where the data said he should. On the surface where he decided to focus often looked bizarre to seasoned politicians. At least, in 2012. And people credited that for beating Romney so soundly.

“He’s one of these hot guys who’s mildly funny but actually thinks he’s comedian level funny,” hahaha she’s absolutely not wrong about this. he is obsessed with comedians and being funny but he is def. not one

I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.

Why oh why is there always, always a shitty brother-in-law. Everyone has one! Especially when it comes to politics.

Guys come on.

I actually don’t mind this. Presidential candidates should get to cut. It’s fine. I’m pretty sure Clinton was allowed to do it this morning, if I remember correctly.

It’s sad (ahem) and fascinating. I have both undergrad and grad degrees in psychology/counseling, and during all studies I remember thinking that the classification of narcissist was sort of fabulist in in, surely no single person acts out in all these ways.

Adam Driver is totally unattractive, but then randomly, he just is attractive. Like the same qualities that at one moment that make him a bizarre ungulate of a man (the huge nose, the gangly limbs, shapeless lips) suddenly the next are just so great to look at.