
malicious prank? you mean attempted homicide

I contest your premise: there are no useless car facts. Torch would vouch for this in between researching VW taillights.

A minivan full of nuns! Hahahaha, they seem like the biggest threat of all with their rulers, mole hairs and stern looks! You can’t kill a minivan full of nuns, it only makes them stronger!

The CDs keep his mind preoccupied when his Cricket flip phone is charging

Yes. Because YOUR mindset is one shared by EVERYONE. 

Where do these cars go when they’re 4 months old?

Well, it’s not a mandate that you change it out after 4 months.

The broken survey problem is not the service writer’s fault. There is nothing diagnostic about the survey process. Which is why I’m not a dick about it.

it looks like they’re going for the G-nose look. It needs a bumper for that. 

Man is the post light on details.

No need to be offensive, the Go Fund Me was a project by his friends, to help the family.

The website, a relic as it is, is his. And the money wasn’t the deal. His identity was.
While he didn’t lose the battle, he didn’t win either. It’s not like he got something out of the battle. He lived a simple life. And we loved

Rule #1: Never post a video when an article will suffice. Most people don’t have the time (or an appropriate setting) to watch a video, but all of us have 60 seconds to read a condensed list of tips.

F is for friends who do stuff together?

I fell in love with them, quit college, moved to the United States and opened up a shop to build and service only them and now have two to choose between in the morning.

Or you could, you know..... *whisper* not park like a dick.

This ^ is how a headline is supposed to work.

horse rack

Because Facebook Live videos, for now, are generally only done with smartphone cameras, and his got turned sideways with the G’s. This is the first time we’ve EVER done anything like this, and to my knowledge the first time anyone has ever LIVE STREAMED a lap on the ‘Ring.

I predict it will be about the same, but with commentary from an incredibly annoying guy whose face truly irritates me and isn’t funny.