
I have a feeling that story is still to be played out. I feel that it's going to be a triple threat (Bliss, Sasha, Bayley) and the main storyline is going to be the dissension of Sasha and Bayley's friendship.

I was a big fan of the series, and I watched the premiere last night. For better or for worse, I will say this: I was entertained for the full hour. Despite the potential absurdity of the plot, I was entertained and hooked on the tiny little mysteries that were dropped throughout the episode.

I agree. I just watched the video of the promo, and I thought THIS is how Roman Reigns should have been written the entire time. This is the most effective he's been since he beat Sheamus for the belt on Raw.

I know that this is late, as I just found this article now, however: I still stand by that I felt that there was a lot of potential in the gameplay engine of Other M (the 2D/3D mix) that could be straightened out in a follow up game to create something great.

Some of my personal favorite levels that are missing from this list would include:

I agree. As much as I love the series (it's my favorite game series of all time), the Ice Man level was rough because of the glitchy nature of the floating platforms.

While I feel that Castlevania 1 holds up very strongly, the first section of the fourth level (the underground waterway) sticks out as a poorly designed area, as you can actually walk yourself through what appears to be walls to your doom, and bats can randomly fly onto the screen into an awkward spot where you can't

I agree. I don't know how Mega Man X's opening highway stage is not one of the top ten best levels.

While it is flawed, I enjoyed that game for what it attempted to do. I thought making a Beavis and Butthead game into a puzzle-style adventure game was unexpected. While the concept was clever, there were some pretty bad design flaws, as the difficulty was incredibly brutal, and I think I can recall that there were

I found the Hydrocity Zone in Sonic 3 the best of the bunch, as the underwater sections weren't overly large and I thought there were some speed ramps that moved you in and out of the water that I felt really took advantage of the concept.

I agree. It took me a long time to figure out what to do in Act 2 of Carnival Night Zone. Many people who I have spoken to who have played the game also referred to that level as a part that they could not get past.

I do remember Battletoads vs. Double Dragon. I did find it enjoyable, especially on the NES. However, for me, the space shooter level was a bit poorly designed and really drags down the experience.

While the Turbo Tunnel represents a jarring difficulty spike from the first two levels, I think it's passable in comparison to my personal demon: Level 7 (Volkmire's Inferno). I find the jet section that takes up most of the level much more difficult because there are more objects to dodge. Also, if you can't get out

So I just watched this episode last night, and, to me, it appears that the master plot of the season is Dar is trying to destroy Carrie's reputation at every possible turn. First, it was having the neighbor next door put the bomb in Sekou's van. Second, it was taken her daughter away. Third, if I recall correctly, he

I am also a big fan of Fear, Itself. I feel that it falls below the radar because some of its themes are used again in "Restless".

Am I the only one who thinks that there may be more than one person dressing up as Prometheus?

I got the impression that Astrid's appearance at the end was a hallucination. However, I would be glad to be proven wrong.

I'm glad that there is another Link's Awakening article on this site. This game is truly a masterpiece, and I am glad that it is now starting to receive more attention. I found the puzzles in both the overworld and the dungeons very tricky, and i enjoyed that it was just as much of a puzzle to access each dungeon/the

I agree. His story arc was great to watch, and it was nice to see his character receive a happy ending.

Despite the ludicrousness of it all, I actually really enjoyed Season 4, up until the second half of the season. To me, the moment where things went down hill was when a character is revealed to not only still be alive, but the smartest person alive and a super villain.