
You're right, I am a bit disappointed by the November 29 return as well. This also means that there will be just a few episodes until the show goes on a winter hiatus.

I do feel that there are some very strong aspects to the movie. Unfortunately, it is just a completely different movie than what it was advertised as.

I was about to mention The Village. The twist aside, seeing it in the theater was one of the most memorable movie going experiences of my lifetime. I, as well as everyone else in attendance, got suckered in by the marketing campaign and trailers and were there to see some monsters and terrors. However, when it became

Yes! I was about to say the same thing! I saw Pearl Harbor opening day, and I was pretty pump. Actually, my family and I went on a group trip to see it. And…Well, that certainly was not what I was anticipating. Now, I did not see any of the advertisements before going to see the movie, but I feel that a movie titled

Hello, Eagles fan here. I only just recently learned of this 30 for 30, and I would like to comment in the Eagles of the 2000's, who may also be lovingly referred to as "the J.V. Buffalo Bills."
A friend on Saturday asked me what was the most painful/worst loss in Eagles history, and I feel that the 2002 championship

I really enjoyed this article. The NES Ninja Gaiden trilogy has always been a highlight of the NES/8-bit era for me. While the second game may be the best overall game, I found the first game's story much more affecting. It was difficult to connect to come of the places the second one went.

The World's of Power books! I remember those! I had the Mega Man 2 book, which I believe referred to Mega Man taking each of his weapons "out of his backpack."

Ninja Gaiden 3 isn't a bad game, but there are certainly some issues with the plot.

I agree, Act 4-2 is a fantastic track. The NES trilogy did have a great soundtrack overall. I am also fond of the Act 5-3 music in NG1 and Act 3-2 in NG2.

My list is actually fairly long. It includes Zelda: Skyward Sword, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider (2013,) Mass Effect 3, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, and Chrono Trigger.

i believe this is the Zelda game that took my the longest to finish. At the time, I found the level and world design incredibly clever and challenging. Not just the dungeons either, I remember it took me a long time to figure out what to do after the third dungeon.

Season 3 is also my favorite. I found the whole dynamic between the Taylor, Saracen, and McCoy families fascinating. It was also very emotional, as you knew most of your favorites were going to be graduating.

Hey, I would like to say how excited I arm that the A.V. Club will be covering the first season. This is perhaps my favorite show of all time, and I'm glad that the first season will finally be discussed here. I will be looking forward to talking and commenting about the show here in the coming weeks.

I have several gaming-related holiday memories that I hold dearly to this day.