Destroyer is everything wrong with sequels, heck, even Red Sonja tops Destroyer: and it steams.
Destroyer is everything wrong with sequels, heck, even Red Sonja tops Destroyer: and it steams.
I would add that drug companies will sell you drugs for the symptoms that their other drugs cause.
The difference 5 years can make.
Safer than Bagelheads
PSP Go: PSP moniker, featuring the latest in two-year old hardware, charged more, couldn’t play UMD, no way to use or transfer my existing UMD library, same awkward stretch of the old PSP to cause PSP thumb, no clam shell design to protect the screen or anything, and still no keyboard for an internet device. No.
Yeah, but at least the custom Hp theme was pretty.
At least 3.5 GB rounds up to 4 GB.
Wow, I was hoping for a major annoucement from NVIDIA. I was hoping they stuck the Tegra X1 into this form factor, but no, this is awful, this could spell their exit from making tablets. Either an engineer is at fault, or it is the battery supplier. Anyways, good on them for issuing a recall, some companies would…
What’s next for annual subscriptions?
So, are people actually supposed to pay for Windows?
If they don’t have “The Defender” then what is the point.
Why doesn’t PEPSI just run the new version alongside the old and see where the demographics lie. I’m sure people who like ASS-PARTAME will continue to enjoy the weird taste that can only be compared to carbonated saliva.
That’s the corn syrup.
Such debasement. Oh well. Too bad. So sad. I’m glad you’ve added so much to the conversation yourself, your mother would be proud of you, you shining bastion. But thanks to me you can tell your mother proudly and fondly that no, Fallout Shelter will not run on her iPad2, it’s not on the approved list anyways.
No for some stupid reason you can’t be objective. I’ll leave through the door when you quit blocking my path talking about single threads on old hardware. If your Macbook is more stable or runs better than the desktop that you put together then you only have yourself to blame.
You are a f***tard for making an incorrect observation and you still haven’t bothered looking up the release date. You’re not off, you’re wrong (does your ego comprehend). The original thread was about running on an old android device running ver. 2.3.5. I was making a comparison. Your crazy Apple love tells you I was…
Why don’t you go tell your Apple love to Creo. It doesn’t take a Mechanical Engineer to realize that workstation software will run better on an actual workstation (with OpenGL acceleration of a workstation graphics card).
Actually 4 years old. Fact checking must be difficult. The only reason I tried on the ancient iPad 2 is because Fallout Shelter wasn’t release on Android (yet).
How did your sister react when she found out that she has become her mother?