
I’m guessing 2.3.5 is out of the question but you might have luck with 4.0.3. Fallout Shelter will probably only play reasonably on anything good made in the last two years.

Tt doesn’t run that well on an iPad 2 and it is going to be a port.

I know that $12 can either get me 3 coffees made for me or I can make 30 coffees; people think about time savings having someone else make the coffee for you, but they never think about the time spent waiting in line for a coffee that could have been better spent making coffee.

True, a lot of kickstarter projects look like ways to take already made items from China et al and put a sticker on it and say that they did something new and innovative.

. . . there is always the consequence of being involved with EA.

I don’t think Double Fine is in the industry to make money first, there in it to make games, unfortunately salaries still have to be doled out because developers need to eat. If you only value games on how much money they bring in then just keep buying Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, and Paying WOW.

Not to mention how long it actually takes to develop a game. I for one wouldn’t want a space sim that only took a year to complete: a la Strike Suit Zero.

- Kickstarter Speak

There was moderate grinding in Privateer (and Privateer 2). I hope that they’ll figure out an actual stopping point for Star Citizen and then start directly taking some of those more difficult to implement ideas into Star Citizen II.

Sorry about the all the mice droppings and the dead cat under the piles of newspapers. The bottles of urine I am keeping for a rainy day.

Another reminder of how bad is by comparison.

Another reminder of how bad is by comparison.

Where is the control group.

Up here in Canuckistan we had like two for some items. Prime Day is a ******* joke.

Up here in Canuckistan we had like two for some items. Prime Day is a ******* joke.

I thought the baby wipes were a joke :(

I thought the baby wipes were a joke :(

Well poor BestBuy (and of course other localised electronics sellers that I actually do go to) for having the physical product in store for you to look at and there you are trying to get them to price match with some online retailer.

Well poor BestBuy (and of course other localised electronics sellers that I actually do go to) for having the

In addition to the usual allotting time specific to your challenges or breaking apart problems into palpable tasks: I recommend keeping busy on the cheap (go for a walk in the park), not staying up late, keeping up with personal hygiene, and dressing for success (or dressing to feel good but not necessarily

More so it makes fun of being both a game and a cinematic experience.

Hear, hear!

Maybe you should change your perceptions: the non-GOTY version can be the pre-release early access beta. As consumers our collective actions have weight—like reading a videogame review first and not shelling out cash to a developer/publisher for a festering turd.

Please. The worth is completely variable and perceived. What is the worth to the developer, to the distributor, and the consumer; should they make money, should they break even, or should they lose.