I live in a civilised country. What’s a hospital bill?
I live in a civilised country. What’s a hospital bill?
Since 2ndgear just completely didn’t answer your question, yes, it should work with Steam and GOG Doom, which will both provide you with the necessary base WADS to run most mods.
From experience, everyone has a different threshold for what a boss from hell is. All that matters is that you can move on and turn around and say it was a learning experience. Communication has become a cornerstone of my career, and I always check with customers/higherups personally when working on projects so this…
Yeah, they’ve got something to prove.
No one sane does that. Early morning or night is normal.
Jesus. Holy shit. Please don’t bother to read mine.
People like that need to get hit by a bus.
There’s a flurry of articles out there recently about companies offering promotions without a raise. So more responsibilities, prolly longer hours, but no extra money. Even worse, people are accepting the terms. What the hell is happening to this country?
This goes back more than two decades. I took a job as a technical editor for a prominent statistical software company located in Chicago. My new boss was quite the culture vulture and belonged to many theaters, had many subscription plans, came in at unusual hours. I started during a deathmarch, so training was pretty…
This was never supposed to be this long, but I found this strangely therapeutic...
Complaints about Millennials (lazy, entitled, bad spending habits/priorities, overly complicated personal lives, etc) tend to be the exact same complaints wealthy people have about poor people. That dynamic encourages people to resent their peers while shamelessly trying to appeal to the complainers, instead of…
I’ve been at the new job for 2 years and I couldn’t be happier. I see my old boss occasionally for meetings (my old firm is a sub to my new firm) and we make nice, but I’m also completely open with my current firm about who to talk to in order to get actual answers (not my old boss).
I always mentally roll my eyes at people complaining about millennials. Millennials are anyone who’s currently between 22 and about 37. Given that the typical working ages in professional America are between early 20's to mid-60's, somewhere around 1/3 of your workforce is millennials in most industries.
This is why I’ll never work for another family owned business. I worked for one during undergrad and it sucked. The husband ran it, while the wife was doing the accounting and accounts payable stuff. She would constantly fucked up orders, inventory, and other metrics that were critical. We all tried to help out nicely…
I work full-time and I’m also going to school full-time to earn my master’s degree. My last boss said the department had “concerns” about my ongoing participation in my grad program, as it was limiting my availability to work more hours. She essentially asked me to quit my grad program (for which I was getting an…
Oof. Left my worst boss about a year ago (yay!). Family owned accounting business, where she and her son would constantly talk down about us, sometimes within hearing distance. Got thrown under the bus a few times for things I didn’t do, and reamed out within an inch of my life because “millenials are so lazy, can’t…
This one still hurts when I think about it. She was a temp HR Manager brought in while my real boss was on Maternity Leave. Imagine the worst micromanager ever and then multiply that by 1000. She would constantly give me work to do without instruction and then balk at me when I dared ask a question. In our weekly…
My worst boss was barely hanging on supervising two people, and they promoted her so she supervised eight of us. I had only been in the job a year and was still learning it when this happened.
I bet they were happy when Drago killed Apollo in Rocky IV.
Hi Victor! The problem with your defense is the same problem that Harron is writing about here: Instead of thinking about this topic in an analytical, unbiased way (which is VERY important in journalism), you’re going into it with a bias, personal opinion that you are supporting with “evidence” (personal experience is…