Spend like a freegan, save like a scrooge, work like a workaholic, exercise like an athlete, and eat like a monk.
Spend like a freegan, save like a scrooge, work like a workaholic, exercise like an athlete, and eat like a monk.
Technically, the roms are online, but you should own the game.
I’m guessing, like anything without preservatives, you’re going to want to consume it within the first week.
I have to agree, which is why I’m glad they’re being phased out by LEDs.
The mind affects the body. Consider the placebo effect.
No, which is still a fault of Chrome OS; I’m still pondering removing the OS write protect screw from my C720 and running one of HugeGreenBug’s variant distros. I like the Chromebook for web and online files, but it sucks for any real apps which is why Crouton is so popular.
How is retirement, Mr. Dole?
CFLs wear in cold and humid environments (winter, bathroom), and also from frequent power cycles: so they are ideal in locations that are main living areas, or any areas that should be lit for extended periods.
I would argue that the intent was not to Troll, and, to the contrary, is valid additional advice regardless of the needless commentary.
Well, the titles have to be recompiled to run, you can’t just pop in a XB360 disc into an XBONE and expect to play. Also, the list is pretty dismal two years in.
Check if those vegetables are slimy before you eat them.
same thing, but with a spoon
Yeah, I know, BG&E wasn’t about the characters as much as it was about caring about the characters.
At least add a Jade skin to one of those 13,000 Assassin’s Creed games.
That’s hilarious.
I think they’re missing level up and rescue dynamics by simply keeping the dog immortal, it might as well be a poltergeist dog.
They’re just sprites.