
Local doesn't pause due to bandwidth allocations, plus local can be on the cloud too.

Still no 3D Blu Ray support for the PS4.

We do not speak of WCIV, which was more of an arcade shooter than anything Wing Commander

Hair enchantment failed.

Maybe try exposing them to adult life (freedom + responsibilities + consequences) before they become adults.

Donna also cites a second study, which you can read about here, that suggests paper resumes have an advantage over video resumes or video- plus-paper job applications. (Note that this study had psychology students evaluating the resumes, but the takeaway is that video resumes might not be worth the time or expense.)

I'm an old so just 7 hours repeatedly gets me groggy; I could do that 3 hour stuff when I was a kid back when all-nighters were an option.

Empty your mind.

Visibility over performance as it appears to be the usual horn tooters that get the promotions. Office politics is a absolute hindrance to productivity.

The article states that it is OK to ignore the rules of thumb and simply apply what works for you as an individual.

That's why we have coffee.

I've read up on some companies experimenting with time so as far to eliminate the Wednesday workday entirely and have 9 hour days for Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. Mind you they have extended days with large rest periods for lunch.

Lesson: Your body belongs to you.

Epson's hallmark has always been photo color quality.

Pretty much everything Brother in terms of reliability, I'm sure there are some horror stories out there but I have heard too many in regards to Brother.

Costa Rica McDonalds looks like actual food.

Digital calipers used to be so expensive, now they are relatively cheap and there is good reason to have one.