
That's a handy version patcher you have.

OmniBoot 1.0 provides Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 live with LXDE, Linux Mint 14.1 "Cinnamon" edition, Fedora 18 "Xfce", Ubuntu 12.10 with GNOME, KNOPPIX 7.0.5 with LXDE, SLAX 7.0.4 with KDE, NAS4Free, m0n0wall, Parted Magic, SystemRescueCd, Puppy Linux "Precise" edition, Clonezilla Live, SliTaz GNU/Linux and a number of


I know, what the m-blaster. It's a robot.

It's more like pattern matching of predetermined sequences than the Chess that we learn as children.

Implying that anybody will post a comment without context to the article at hand. Don't like the fold, don't go there.

My concern is that the car will cry and self-combust when it calculates no avoidance path.

You comment is kind of trollish, no?

When I once went on vacation from Canada to Mexico, I foolishly packed skin moisturizers because I was so used to the lack of humidity. Anyways, I was ill-prepared for the heat and humidity, I never felt so exhausted before as my body adjusted to the shock of a new environment with a 60 degree C change in temperature

I onced used a recipe that needlessly called for cream of tartar because it already included an acid with buttermilk. The cream of tartar, undissolved in the reaction, left annoying granules that made the outcome as fun as eating bread dusted with sand.

Everything can be social as well. How is it sneaky and untruthful to provide assistance to someone in need of services. Selfishness can be self-limiting.

Maybe we can eventually have something that keeps a comparative log and decides which approach to take.


Dropping the boiled eggs into an ice bath limits/prevents weird green layer around yolk.

Games that don't run on linux based operating systems with Steam won't run on Steam OS. Steam OS and Steam Machines are a "field of dreams" approach to a shrinking desktop market.

Wow, from what you describe, that class sounds invariably wrong.

A tee-up just means you know it might be offensive.

Wait, no really, I'm no racist, but...!