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Stop spreading libelous bullshit and I will. Go ahead, simply stop. You would never want harassment to continue, right? You are engaging in targeted harassment.

I’m not defending progressives, period. He is virtue signalling. It sucks, okay? I’m not happy with an art form being messed with at the scale where Jerry Seinfeld thinks it’s gone too far. He’s, uh, far from controversial.

I could flag you for harassment as you continue to tell other users I’m racist, which you haven’t proven, because you can’t. But I won’t.

You’ve repeatedly told other users I’m a bigot. If I did the same to you, you’d shriek harassment. No?

There is no such thing as unconscious racial memory, you race realist weirdo.

Dude, they don’t want it canceled because it sucks, they think the entire series is racist and should be scrapped.

What. Bigotry? What bigotry are you talking about? Find some. I’m not a progressive, that’s all.

My bigotry. Right.

How am I bigot? I hate progressive politics because it judges everyone at all times by race/gender/sexuality.

Is this funny? Yes, humor is subjective. Do you think this is funny?

Yes, all progressive talking points that come off miserably sanctimonious and monstrously unfunny.

It was Che himself that called his own comedy edgy. You apparently cannot follow different trains of thought at the same time and just mash them all together in your skull.

My god, what is Carlin better known for, his safer work or The Words You Can’t say on Television? Carlin is revered as a firebrand. Are you seriously suggesting he’s better known for his observational humor? Why do comedians talk about him with awe, because of what he didn’t change or what he DID?

I did not say or imply there would be a race war over an SNL skit, I said progressivism kills comedy.

I’m saying that’s their main two obsessions: A Jewish conspiracy and the media.

I’m Jewish, Einstein (also a Jew!). So I think I have the right to be culturally threatened, but I’m not, because I looked into the alt right and Stormfront and they are conspiracy theorist clowns who will never gain mainstream traction. For now.

Progressives are most definitely THE problem on the left. I’m a liberal and I’ve watched for years as the left became race realist, unelectable, puritanical, censorious hypocrites.

I am humbled and shaken by your gifs.

I don’t think there will be a race war. Storefront does, primarily because of all the Fuck White People content pumped out daily by progressives.

Storefront hates people for their race, the Root hates people for their race, please explain the difference. By degree of the vileness of their comment sections?