What does this have to do with casual racism and Trump? He was drunk in public and drunkenly hassled a cop for an uber. What precisely did the cops do wrong?
What does this have to do with casual racism and Trump? He was drunk in public and drunkenly hassled a cop for an uber. What precisely did the cops do wrong?
“Comedy is a socially acceptable form of hostility and aggression. That is what comics do, stand the world upside down.” - George Carlin
Perhaps a bad comparison as I don’t regular stormfront and cannot definitively compare, but the root is racist and vindictive as shit. It won’t age well unless there is a race war I’m pretty sure both websites want, so they do have that in common.
Just thought I’d post some real satire from SNL from decades ago. Compare and contrast.
The Root is like Stormfront for black hipster progressivess. Pretty much single handily refutes the postmodern notion that you can’t be racist towards white people.
No, I mentioned trans people because internet bullying against them is tantamount to violence these days. I agree with your ideas, I’m saying we have different standards for different people now. I’m watching so-called progressive and the people who actually harassed her argue they bear no responsibility, but those…
Allow me to translate: This “comedy” isn’t funny and is sanctimonious, patronizing and trades in stereotypes while claiming the moral high ground. Happy?
The USA wouldn’t change? Clinton would be president and all those states would have had no say about it. Do you not think that would cause some, uh, conflict? We’re talking about major policy changes that those states did not want. I’m a liberal but I would never suggest those states—that ocean of red—should be cut…
If this were a trans woman killing herself in the exact same circumstances and you’d expressed the same sentiment, you’d be crucified.
Terrible. A guy claiming it’s lame to be offended by being a humorless progressive...this is comedy now? Carlin and Pryor are puking in their graves.
You want to dismantle the republic over Donald Trump. No. We could try to fix gerrymandering and I dunno, try to craft a message and find electable candidates instead of constantly calling for revolution.
So I detail my problems with the ILLIBERAL practices of modern progressives, and you think I’m a Republican. Why would I care about the state of the left if I were conservative? After all, these practices blasted Trump to power and all serve as fuel for the alt right. The election was ours to lose, and you lost it.…
Agreed. You’re right, thank you.
Then you are engaging in a proud progressive tenet: Refusing to engage with people who disagree with you.
I think my wordmithery shined when I verbally slapped the dick out of your mouth earlier. I’m good.
You’ve bought into a garbage philosophy and can’t even cough up a decent insult. Pathetic.
Really. I must have been lost in an opium dream when I witnessed progressives rioting and screaming all over academia nigh these last few years. I must have been fogged by ether cobwebs while I watched the steady march of censorious, race obsessed, humorless, hysterical morons attack every form of pop culture I used…
These people...rather annoy me.
I disagree about progressives seeking equality. They want equity. Big difference.