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And by the way, who the hell is the “racist fucknut” in question? I don’t remember anything about defending one’s right to harass others on racial grounds, in fact, it’s you who is trying to change the definition of harassment into “Anyone who disagrees with my perfected and CLEARLY MORALLY SUPERIOUS worldview”.

They seem to think a comme,t section is the same thing as getting together with buddies at Starbucks and of course you would only ha e your buddies sitting at your table. But, sadly, the internet is no substitute for face to face human interaction.

This is the most frank and honest think piece I’ve read about the “death” of indie rock. It both admits it’s a “thing” but at the same time doesn’t overblow the situation and even goes on to say that a lot of these beloved bands are still releasing great music, it’s just not the music that is currently shifting the

No. There aren’t enough fundies and white nationalists and homophobes for this to have happened because of them, not entirely or even for the most part

Good points, but you get starred for a Jackie Brown reference....(almost unstarred for using the wrong “your”)

Seems like y’all are wasting your time being jealous of some rich dude.

There has been one characteristic I have been looking for to see a light at the end of the tunnel we’re presently in. And that is ‘introspection’ The left is largely emotional and hyperbolic right now, but a handful are starting to wade out of their wigwams of ice cream and weed to look around to see ‘are the

I’m aware of how presidents are elected. I’m also aware of something you seem not to be aware of, which is that USA isn’t an acronym(an acronym is an abbreviation that’s pronounced as a word, like NASA or OPEC). Regardless of how our presidential elections works, it seems hard to me to argue that the “people” chose

Nuh uh, it’s okay if you’re “punching up”....

... only problem is that no one exactly knows what “punching up” is and thinks it means “whoever I disagree with” which... shit that doesn’t really help either...

Exactly, so thankful for actors to show us all the way.

I never thought a 10 year old screenshot of a website could make me sad.

“...(A)nd Mueller’s team will tell them to fuck off if they think any email ending in .gov is personal correspondence.”

I’m not calling for a coup by democrats, I’m saying that if Mueller gets fired that we need to be out protesting in the streets and raising non-violent hell about it.

I don’t know about Stormfront, but The Root does sometimes feels like Breitbart for Black people.


This is the map you need to use to really paint the picture county-based.

....god damn, dude. I heard that mic drop all the way over here in Philly.

Jesus Christ.

An article endorsing people getting banned from social media for expressing opinions you disagree with, than another lamenting the same fate befalling those you find more cordial posted a few hours later.

Even Brietbart isn’t so painfully lacking in self awareness, oblivious to irony.

As despicable his beliefs are, it should not be permissible to prosecute them for their abominable ideas if they have done nothing illegal. It is the slippery slope that leads to the thought police.

Yeah, and just to add an important point in case anyone isn’t familiar with Hannah Arendt: thinking of Nazis as some sort of exotic “other” is dangerous and wrong. It’s good to admit that “if I had been born in Germany in the early 20th Century, I could have been a Nazi.” There is no inherent personality trait or