
Hoes on my dick cause i look like Jesus - Lil B aka THE BASED GOD

Yes, I was COMPLETELY serious when I made that comment. Also, that tweet has laughably bad logic behind it anyway

Are men funnier, or are women funnier?

Seasons 1-8 of The Simpsons. No matter how crappy of a day I'm having, I feel instantly better once I turn on one of those episodes. I've seen them so many times, it's like hanging out with a close friend in a time of need

Yeah Imagine Dragons are an incredibly dull band. Radioactive is as good as mainstream radio rock gets, but the rest of their debut album is completely forgettable.

It would actually be pretty damn awesome if they got Started From the Bottom in there somewhere

Strongest username to comment synergy ever

We're through the looking glass now, people

The AV Club

Lupita is going to be Star Wars is she not?

Her naughty bits and giggles getting ravaged on screen by multiple penii

Something something misogyny something something male chauvinist pigs

I'm actually curious because I knew a girl in high school who wouldn't have regular, vaginal sex because she wanted to stay a virgin until marriage. Instead, she let guys plow her in the ass.

News at 11: Israel decides to cease fire on Gaza and remove all trade and land boundaries

Jezebel is that way —>

Salon is pretty much as bad as Jezebel. I wouldn't take anything they write seriously.

I would argue that millions of comic book fans and casual viewers disagree with you, but hey, that's just like, my opinion man

Yeah it felt unnecessary, we have to go back to the Nolan Batman treelogy to get at the root of this trend.

Castle stands at the edge of the shoreline where the sky meets the sea. Cue wide angle, panoramic shots of the landscape with sun rays bursting through the sky. Scene of Frank Castle shooting a henchman in the head, but instead of blood, stars and galaxies come pouring out while a 16th century opera plays in the