
The Grand Budapest Hotel was damn near a blockbuster in Wes Anderson terms. $60 million is a pretty sweet box office gross for such a quirky, eccentric movie

Yeah Winter Soldier was fucking aces. Pretty much firing on every cylinder: a surprisingly complex plot with political overtones, great acting and chemistry between the ensemble cast, memorable villains (Redford's Pierce more so than the Winter Soldier himself), some of the best action scenes in a superhero movie I've

One of those things is not like the others…

A B from Dowd? So basically this is the best blockbuster of the year

Dat ass though…

Because the F&F series is that rare franchise that has actually been IMPROVING with subsequent film. It's still dumb and mindless, but it's well-crafted and entertaining. After 6 movies, that's saying a lot

Holy shit I am goddamn fucking excited for this movie. Lordy lord

I actually finished reading it just now, and that was…a disappointing ending.

One of the best AV Club articles I've read in a long time, and I'm not even a huge Mario Kart fan

I'm almost done reading the book, got about 250 pages to go. I was considering checking the show out afterwards, but based on these reviews and the comments sections, I think I'm gonna have to pass

Hasn't Joe Cornish been tapped for the Snow Crash adaptation as well? Dude is really setting himself up for a bright future. I'm sure we are all seeing the trend in eccentric, indie sci fi directors being hired for big budget action blockbusters: Gareth Edwards for Godzilla, James Gunn for Guardians of the Galaxy,

Yes! It's perfect for getting in those last brutal reps, really pumps you up.

Spoken like a true hip hop connoisseur.

Rakim, GZA and early-Eminem


Poor Edgar Wright, he went from almost directing a prominent, mega-budget blockbuster to a movie about bisexual mantises.

Or describing Arianne Martell's nipples

Jesus, for a second there I mistook the headline as saying he won't be writing for the books at all this year. Was about to nerd-rage.

the first one was ok, but it was horribly directed with godawful shaky cam everywhere. The second one was a legitimately great action/sci-fi thriller with a good ensemble cast and strong direction and cinematography

The only gift I ever give people is books, based on things they're interested in. Then again, I'm a huge book nerd