
Yeah I've been meaning to get into the new Ms Marvel. Its a big deal for us minority comic book fans.

Groundhog Day is pretty good

Wait, Hollywood actually cast a brown kid to play Mowgli? As a South Asian, this makes me quite happy!

Hopefully the people who were complaining about the casting of Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper will be silenced after watching the movie, because those two absolutely killed it. Two of the biggest highlights in the movie for me: When Rocket is drunk and lashes out at the group for making fun of him and saying that he

I also thought the group members themselves were much relatable and likeable than the Avengers were. Which is saying something when 4 of your 5 members are a talking raccoon, a walking tree, and multicolored man and woman

Bradley Cooper totally killed it. Rocket was the highlight of the movie, for me.

That got me right in the feels..

"Why is there so much dialogue when these people are talking to each other?"

In a movie with a talking raccoon, a sentient tree, a drag-queen outfitted Benicio del Toro and a mining community on an alien god being's skull, what took you out of the film was a Southern accent?

Not at all, I thought she looked pretty hot too.

The AV Club

Well guardians of the galaxy had many different coloured super powered dudes…

OK that's fair enough, but what do you suggest that we as consumers of this kind of mass media do about it? Do you think the general public cares enough to have some kind of public petition to have more female superheroes? I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious. I feel like the AV Club and similar media outlets

It's always the same with you guys, isn't it? Any time someone disagrees with you, they're automatically ignorant. You act as if there are absolutely no positive female characters on movies and TV shows whatsoever. Marvel has a huge impact on modern entertainment, sure, but not having a female superhero is not going

Did you actually just compare women who actually get mistreated to a lack of superheroines in Hollywood? I suggest you recheck your priorities.

I started watching the first season, and what really keeps drawing me back to show are the performances of Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman. I was wondering just who these random people were in big budget Hollywood flicks like World War Z and Robocop, but I see now why the film industry wants to snatch them up. God

Yeah, Black Widow would work in a more grounded, spy-thriller type movie similar to The Winter Soldier. ScarJo is already fantastic in the role; just have a nicely intricate script and well-choreographed action scenes and we're good to go.

Just came back from watching it, and it was fantastic. It's not the best Marvel movie - that honour still belongs to The Winter Soldier - but it's right up there with The Avengers. It was funny, charming and the rapport between the characters was amazing. The visuals were beautiful, it looked like the effects budget

Yes, this is the essence of patriarchy and is so much worse than domestic abuse and systematic misogyny against actual vulnerable women. Drop everything start boycotting Marvel because, by god, they didn't announce a fictional character movie led by a woman!

You guys complain so much, yet most of you will still go see any movie Marvel puts out and make it a smashing success. I am not opposed to a female-led superhero movie and would actually love to see a Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk or Black Widow film. However, if Marvel doesn't want to make one, I don't really care one way or