Cosmo the ass man

Btw, I just wanted to remind people real quick that we’ve had fast refresh rate monitors for at least 20 years now. A lot of old school CRT monitors could easily do 100+ hz. I myself game on a CRT that does 768p @144hz. And there are other monitors that go to 200hz

100k mikes S2k should be $12k.

Ah, such an interesting topic! I grew up in what many might call “the ghetto” or “the hood”. There were no bookstores within bike riding distance (which is what I was confined to). My parents were not going to drive me anywhere because they were working and after work wanted to rest, not drive me an hour to the

I’m going to go “coincidence” on this.

Because superhero’s are so inundated into today’s culture that you can’t help but shine the light on them. Just like the “fridging of women” in the Marvel universe showing there is more of an issue for our culture. Keeping troupes like this around could be reinforcing certain stereotypes...

Musical achievements? What might those be? Showing off her booty, writhing around and having absolutely no originality or voice? Check, check, check and check. Wow, easy to get a key to this area!

I’ll bet you’re loads of fun at parties.

That’s a myth, Jalopnik readers buy the most boring cars, brown manual station wagons are owned by random people, but not by enthusiasts.

The difference being Trump is the president of the United States and Gawker is a blog.

She was unstable, carrying sharp items and had young children with her - deescalating the situation by leaving just puts the kids at risk.

Why? They have to live with the fact that they were not properly prepared and had to kill a mother. I think anyone in that situation would be suffering.

Really looking forward for the finale when the video game vlogger makes Nazi jokes and is totally okay with ethnic cleansing.

Got it from buying the new Doom game, couldn’t for the life of me get into it which is sad seeing as this years E3 reveal of the newest Wolfenstein has be interested.

That was my one problem with the game, the romantic subplot happened way too quickly. I’d have preferred it if they’d fleshed out BJ and Anya’s relationship a bit more.

I think it’s interesting to note peoples’ general attitude towards this game compared to something like Nekopara, which you guys recently dismissed as just “anime porn.” I’ve noticed this a lot in regards to western perception of Japanese media.

And this is why dealers are cancer. I can’t wait until the dealership model is obsolete, most of them deserve to go out of business. It’s 2017, I can’t see why people can’t just buy directly from the manufacturer. The only thing stopping that are lame state laws.

A Focus ST would have been a better comparison, no? FWD vs FWD.

It also helps if your name is Jerry.

Yeah, but then they would have produced an Elise.

When I was but a lad, working at Target in the late-mid 90's, one of our hot cashiers drove one.