Cosmo the ass man

Here is a news flash for people, Rowling is going to be flush with cash from the residuals from her books and the movies the rest of her life, not buying a game isn’t going to hurt her in the slightest.

Holy xenophobia.

It saddens me that so many of my fellow Americans still blindingly trust the same rulers and media that lied us into the Iraq war. The hatred in your writing reminds me of the way people talked about muslims during the war on terror.

It’d be a great murder thing. Imagine you walk by a weird looking dog on the street at night and then it stands up and pulls out a knife.

That’s not necessarily true. A certain style choice doesn’t automatically indicate sexual orientation.
I know it’s just anecdotal, but I know many people who dress in with what could be considered LGBTQ+ but just like that style. They work it. Well some are not as good at others, but that’s beside the point. It’s their

Except you can argue that racial issues are extremely relevant to this discussion, particularly given the present day phenomenaof Get Out Oscar nominations, and Black Panther billion dollar grosses.

Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke get they most hype. With the former being one of the first to get an Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film.

Princess Mononoke would be my personal recommendation.

My cousin has worked on 2 EA games that use Frostbite over the past 4 years about and he routinely complains about the madenning lack of tools it has compared to something like the ancient Unreal 3.5 engine. Even basic automatic facial animation tools don’t or didn’t exist, forcing animators to have to animate every

If you haven’t seen it, the Beware the Slenderman documentary on this stabbing on HBO is a really informative, heartbreaking look at the situation. Getting a glimpse at these girls’ lives leading up to the attack and understanding the context of it really sheds a new light on it. It’s not just some nasty, Mean Girl

That makes no sense at all. Actually it can provide more rigidity the further it is from the center of bending.

There’d be some, but I agree, not likely a measurable impact.

Not really, because if it was glass, it would be inside the switch chassis, and that’s would supply the rigidity.

This man knows what he is talking about.

Although I like Supras I have no clue on why they are so cherished other than for nostalgia purposes. They are basically a big motor RWD Japanese 90s muscle car. Which by todays standards kind of hold up. But with 320HP and 3,505lbs it can barely hold a candle to some mini vans now. Other 80s’/90s cars like the “REAL”

Wait, I thought black people can’t be racist *trolls violently

It’s on that page because Fakku is most well-known for containing a great deal of loli and incest hentai.

I think a lot of people don’t pick up on Cliff B’s tongue-in-cheek bro-ness. Obviously I don’t know him personally, but it really seems to me like he’s in on the joke. “Maaan look how intense and hardcore this game is, duuude” *gives a wink*

Here we go.

You guys are just reaching. Trying to find something out of nothing.

Why do I mention this? Because I’m a CRT Master race elitest, that’s why.