Cosmo the ass man

I think it’s a huge hypocrisy considering no game outlet gives a shit if call of duty is being played. LITERAL USA propaganda, a game that developers referred to as “Apolitical” all the while literally rewriting history by attributing a war crime that closely parallels a real-life war crime the USA committed unto the

moderates be like

teeeechnically that was in the manga so not applicable. This one is a shame as it seems like a platonic relationship. Perhaps this is more because of the target demographic: Josei, which is for adult woman. A lot of the time the main character is the stand in for the audience them self. Honestly what’s gotten me out

VR remake with a flat screen option would be amazing!

I really would not be bringing this up considering the United States continued history of imperialism. You would literally have to question any game developed in the US.

I don’t care if it’s ethical, dealers are antiquated and should not exist.

Ok I just want to follow up on the use of the term disposable income while equating that in any way shape or form to communism. Communism uses a “materialistic” framework, now let’s simplify that framework down to relatively universal quote most people have heard:

That’s… not communism, you realize this right? Also your ads are egregious, just by clicking to make a comment I was greeted by a huge advertisement blocking me from my comment. Thankfully it reminded me that my ad blocker is off. Maybe less people would have their ad blocked off if you could actually navigate the

woooow my dude, imagine sayin this knowing that the usa military budget is higher than the gdp of most countries. And it’s made themselves a world police and brought terror to so many people.

Yeah it’s called socialism

RSD is something that I’ve learned I have, now it’s not recognized by any official organization. Best way to treat it officially is CBT. Speaking from own personal experience my RSD is closely linked to my depression. As such antidepressants have helped me out ALOT. RSD isn’t simply being afraid of rejection; it’s

Boy out of all the comments here, this one takes the biggest L. I am prone to agree with Eizen, part of why I don’t watch/read anime and manga anymore unless I know the director. Most anime is misogynistic, it could be the story, or it could a camera angle. There is always an element or two of misogyny. I can still

GT7? Niche? Literally a Playstation seller and one of the most mainstream Series ever?

Pretty funny

Even better, just pirate it




I mean, considering in Doom 3 one of the main ways of building the world and story was picking up dead people’s PDA. You’d snoop around their audio logs and emails, it had to have been at least a bit of a power fantasy for Carmack. I’m sure he’s at Facebook right now reading all our messages, on his never ending quest

Damn this really makes me want to watch apple fail ever more.