
Here Tourists, we will put Japan inside Japan so you can enjoy Japan while you’re in Japan.

Obviously? Could have been towed. By any means, they are random old vehicles just chillin’ in a grassy field.


It makes you wonder how these cars got there in the first place.

This is the best answer to not having “The American” that they could have come up with. Hopefully the commentary isn’t too cringeworthy.

They should have found a way to incorporate amiibo functionality. It would have been too late, as they are mostly off the shelves, but they might have been able to capitalize on getting the retail price for Tom Nook opposed to offering him for under $3.

Regulatory Capture.

The double spacing after each sentence is killing me.

Speaking of children...

Is there a “hiss” function or other command like that?

Boot Loxes!

Lets Snuggle Forever. DYING!!!! Mimikyu is one of the best.

Frank will be telling that story to his grandchildren for years, YEARS!

Unless your car is too top-heavy and a rollover hazard. I want badly to thrash my Kia Soul just for S&G’s but it lives outside the bounds of regulation.

I need a scene-by-scene breakdown on what we can expect from the new Icon.

And a Spoiler warning.

This Ain’t No Game.

Man, the monetary amount of damage this pile up caused is probably pretty high. Hopefully no one was seriously hurt.

This is perfect. Everything about this is fantastic. The side profile is especially thrilling and makes me feel things.

Will he be replaced with “The Italian” or “The Frenchman” Might not be bad to see super-stereotypical drivers fill the shoes. All in good fun of course.

But what ‘bout that NA$?