

Weird, its showing out of stock online (, but you click and it allows you to add to cart. If you’re a VIP member, today is the last day in October to get th3 Double VIP points.

Weird, its showing out of stock online (, but you click and it allows you to add to cart. If you’re a VIP

I have this set. Worth ever bit of the $120. Printed pieces and not stickers.

I have this set. Worth ever bit of the $120. Printed pieces and not stickers.

I have played the GT series since I was a child. I currently have been waiting to get a PS4 just for this game. A few questions: What model PS4 should I get? Is the VR worth it? I know the game has a different progression style than the previous versions, just curious which route to take.

Content is king.

I, for one, am looking forward to this un-defeatable movie.

Calling it, we need a Kotaku Top Birds in Video Games countdown. Cuccos, Chocobos, GEESE OH MY!

I hate peeing while in-flight but I also hate that feeling of having to hold it. I specifically choose aisle seats for this reason. The worst part, when you feel like you have to go and then you go to the lavatory and...nothing.

Wait, was there no cat in the movie?

Neither do mine. Check daily to see if they received stock. This will still be limited, but nowhere near like how the NES Classic was.

Neither do mine. Check daily to see if they received stock. This will still be limited, but nowhere near like how

Were you able to climb it? I was lucky enough to go when I was in High School and it was an experience to remember for sure. But I agree, if you have the chance to visit them, do it!

FYI: Target will probably be your best bet to get one launch day. Some stores are showing upwards of 300 in stock.

FYI: Target will probably be your best bet to get one launch day. Some stores are showing upwards of 300 in stock.

Explain this show please. It seems to be everywhere with meme references and the like. I don’t own cable as I assume that is where it is broadcast. Does this show appeal to a early-mid 30's male? Do I actually want to watch this?

I watched this. I could barely keep myself seated. I think that the gentleman who assembled this group put it quite profoundly, when he said that we stopped talking about politics like this over a year ago; when it was too “dangerous” to express your support one way or another.

Remember Double Dare? That was a good show.

Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries;