
Cant wait to see how they add microtransactions & dlc to a TV show 🤔

Guard 1: Yea, the prisoner in Cell 101? He’s been here since... I dunno when.
Guard 2: I know! My father guarded him, as did his grandfather.
G1: There’s a religious cult outside the walls that constantly pray to him, like an immortal god.
G2: Those cultists are so annoying sometimes, but they might be onto something...

Studied the blade, huh? More like picked up some cheap skillwires on clearance from a shady back-alley street doc and loaded up some marketing tie-in skillsoft based off Horizon’s latest trending neo-samurai trideo show.

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Delaware County, Gloucester County, the Far Northeast would all be contenders.

Some idiot from Delaware County, very likely

Gotta be “Philly drunk” to pick that fight.

“That guy, the one who’s huge and totally ripped and considered a great athlete by NBA standards, that’s the dude I’m gonna pick a fight with!”

Be a good person. The bar is set really fucking low.

I mean, if you’re gonna unfurl a ‘Trump 2020’ flag somewhere, you might as well do it where the people there are so stupid they went to an Orioles game in August.

“Kudos, Nathan, on a job...done.”

There I was, behind center for the Buffalo Bills. What madness led to this I had no time to ponder. As the supple leather of the ball slid into my hand, I took one step back, then two, then three. As I surveyed the field for potential recipients, I saw an outside linebacker charging like an angry rhino directly at my

The second I saw he was an artist from Riot it was obvious what to expect. It is remarkably on brand for their style.

I’m an avid motorcyclist who just started doing track days (no racing). I’ve instructed friends and family that if I am killed while on two wheels and somebody says, “At least he died doing what he loved” that they are to punch that person square in the face. Yeah, “doing what I love”. I’m still dead, asshole. And one

That’s what I’ve been doing for the past twenty something years.

Davey was my best and only friend from k-6th grade and really gave credence to the final words in the movie Stand By Me, “I never had any friends later on like I had when I was 12.” Rather, I am 43 now and I still have never found a friend quite like him later in life. Sadly I will never get to tell him face to face

And now the story of a story of a warring kingdom, and the producers who had no choice but to keep it together

You’re cherry-picking your data, dude. The graph is clearly descending from the peaks in the mid-to-late Fifties, and you cut off right at the point where DC’s sales begin to climb again. They spent a lot of the 90s with sales about ten times where they were in 81-83.

Packing everyone on Earth has a very simple rationale. If I want to team up Barry Allen and Jay Garrick for a story, it’s a lot easier to do it if I don’t have to first explain to the reader what parallel universes are, why the Flash has the superpower to vibrate his molecules at the resonant frequency of different

Fuck yeah Yesterday's Enterprise. I watched that again this week and holy shit that still stands up. One of Trek's finest hours which so many memorable and powerful performances from the cast. The little tweaks in how their characters are different from the original versions is really subtle but interesting - ie