
I am a pre-orderer who was PISSED, and then I went back when they added base-building and multiplayer and... WOW. It’s incredible, and I mean that with no sense of hyperbole. It’s now the game they said it would be.

It’s not perfect, but it’s what they promised, and I think that’s commendable and has earned my hours of

Welp now I’m unnaturally attracted to Kidd again so THANKS FOR THAT.

Things I learned from Highlight Reel: PEOPLE STILL PLAY TITANFALL 2MULTIPLAYER FFFFFFFFFFF logging in now.

He doesn’t carry empty boxes, it was a joke. See the full video, here:

I will say that moving from a 1080p LG plasma to a LG 4K HDR OLED was a revelation and they are CHEAP (relatively) these days. So go pick up a 2016 model and don’t look back. They haven’t updated the displays, just the software and connectivity and a 4K Roku is, like, $35!

This looks like a much better version of Superman Returns, which i can totally get behind because the game was pretty underrated for what it was: a Superman movie tie-in game.

Analysis of the 2010 impact estimated the size of the bolide at between 8 and 13 meters (26-43 feet) in diameter, which released around 4 quadrillion Joules of energy, or roughly 1 megaton of TNT. By comparison, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was 15 kilotons.

How in the world are you going to do an article on lightsabers in videogames and not mention either The Force Unleashed or - and this is fucking egregious, here - Knights of the Old Republic?

I... holy crap, I had not, in ANY way, thought of that connection but I *love* it. I was just too caught up in watching Stamets and Hugh back together. The feels, man.

Also, maybe the weirdest thing I heard in Star Trek happened in this episode: Pike’s family regularly attends(ed?) church!?

I remember BEING there at Halladay’s no-hitter. SRO, just above right-center field. I wore my Howard jersey because of COURSE I did. Bought the tickets as a birthday present to my best friend, and we all stood up there - we being the 100 people who didn’t know each other walking in but were now BEST FRIENDS - telling

Our memo writer took longer than I thought to go full m’lady.

Always remember to hunt with dynamite. It makes things so much easier.

Your pun. MY GOD your pun.