Cory McCasland

NIGHT FLIGHT (though I didn't catch it till the 90s in syndication).

Yeah, cause Disney is really suffering for ratings and money.

When it comes to getting Harvey Dent/Two-Face right compared to Schumacher, yes, yes he is.

Illuminatus! A 15 Part Mini-Series Event (Special 23 part directors cut with all the sex scenes added back)

Thanks, now you've reminded me of my fantasy where AMC does a Swamp Thing show, with Constantine spinning off after the second season, and they actually finish Vietch's storyline then Neil Gaiman picks it up like he would have in the comics if DC hadn't pussied out.

I'm starting to think there's a Random Downvoter gimmick account and they just haven't announced themselves.

The edit of Die Harder I saw on ion was hilarious not just for the replacement words, which I can't remember, but also because they didn't even try to find VAs who remotely sounded like the actors. Funnier than them advertising House like it's a standard medical drama.

Hmph, so apparently I've been a hipster since I was 13 years old and got really into Twin Peaks. Learn something everyday.

Same with mine, but her exception was Pan's Labyrinth.

Yeah, this was fun, but his response is going to be even more fun to watch.

And then brought him back about ten years ago.

Yeah, I had to nod politely when my grandfather went on about that.

Version I vaguely remember from a Sci-Fi Universe retrospective on it in the 90's is the creator saw they were getting bored and added "Did I mention they're lizard aliens?"

This week in Guess The Downvoter: Apparently that guy who did that blog about how much xkcd sucks lurks here.

Yep, and it was also a callback to their debut - IIRC the 4th Doctor tells that group their planet was destroyed during their journey to Earth, so apparently it was the Time War all along and this is a group that escaped during the war.

Yeah, I think if anything Moffat's plan was more like what he did with Tom Baker and (for 3 seconds) Capaldi. We might have gotten some new scenes during the (OH SO FREAKING AWESOME MOFFAT YOU READ MY MIND!) 13 Doctor sequence, and a full regeneration scene, but that's it.

Heck, the BBC wanted that as the kid-oriented spinoff and RTD convinced them to let him do a Sarah Jane show again. Hopefully future showrunners will do the same if it comes up again.

Generally agreed re: more interesting, but anyway there is some of that in Five Doctors, with the Castellan being argumentative with Borusa, the Black Scrolls bit, and 2's conspiracy theory about why Rassilon's really locked away (which pretty much becomes reality with the Dalton incarnation).

One suggestion I've heard is that EoT happens after the bit where War-Doc leaves his message & steals the Moment, and when we come back later Gallifrey's returned to meet it's fate and on the other side of the planet the Master and Rassilon are still at it or one or both are dead (the Master was burning his life

Exactly. Also remember his talk to the Master about the other horrors - Skaro Degredations, the Could've Been King, so forth - and he fought all of those and more probably. And if any of those are still on Gallifrey the Master and Rassilon might be the least of it…