Cory McCasland

The specifics I 'veard is that, besides changing him from Jax to Jack and making him human instead of human-looking alien, is Moffat made explicit reference to Jack's sexuality while RTD just said "Oh, and he's omnisexual but that probably won't come up much."

It was RTD in a piece he wrote for DWM. He seemed to be equating it more to Archduke Ferdinand's assassination without actually name-checking that, but in general the gist is it was raging all along in the background, it just didn't become open warfare till much later.

I was going to say 10 might go on and think the events of End of Time render this for naught, but then I started questioning that, my head started to hurt, and I got all these flashes of myself running from monsters. Then I woke up a few hours later. Weird…

I got the impression in Sarah Jane's first season that outside of her early sort of involuntary adventures,she was still carrying on with her career between adventures. Of course this was when the Doctor apparently felt beholden to UNIT and was really only gleaned from the beginning of Planet of the Spiders.

They could bring him/her back the same way they did the Master. His explanation in Sound of Drums seemed to indicate so long as the Time Lords have the nessesary data, like the biodata mentioned in Deadly Assassin, in their Matrix they could resurrect any Time Lord.

I don't even hate him as much as others do and I don't want him anywhere near this.

Loved Who Killed Kennedy in all it's uber-fanwank glory It's available as a PDF below with author notes.

One of my BFs boyfriends was, along with her, an indie pro-wrestler, and he wrestled some matches as Ben Murphy, or Ben Murphy as MST portrayed him.

For those playing along at home, Rita is dead.

I came in at the end of Joel so while I got to like him pretty well thanks to CC re-running it so much it probably helped me transitioning to Mike by not having been watching for years. When I heard the news I was like "Oh, that's too bad, but hey, that Mike guy's pretty funny in his guest spots and he's head writer,

Gods were those web toons horrible.

Joel's also pretty anti-Hollywood, too. Yeah, he's worked within it (the third Honey I Shrunk for example, but I'm sure we can put that in the "For The Money" pile), but he quit performing for several years because he hated Hollywood and that (plus writing for Seinfeld's special) is what lead to MST.

I think Scrawler's downvoter is diversifying. That or they didn't like the Hunger Games parody.

And all three of those were Norman Lear productions.

Watched Roc religiously, and I caught some Living Single repeats on BET a few years ago and it holds up okay. I have a feeling the same couldn't be said for Martin.

Know him? He was delicious!

SyFy came close to doing, apparently.

Wow, that… exists.

It was his run that made me a fan and defender of Cap as a character.

Though he doesn't update it much anymore, his blog is awesome. I archive binged after reading the piece on how WB almost licensed DC characters to Marvel.