Cory McCasland

I think so long as the Now! events continue to sell and Disney is run by people who don't get as meddle-y as Warners has with DC it'll be okay, but yeah, it's always a strong possibility.

When I first saw Mohd's original post I was afraid it was THAT panel with Blob and Wasp. That was where I stopped defending Loeb's downturn due to that tragedy.

Yeah, back then I thought they were being unfair, but in retrospect… it's a sucky situation for both parties but I'd vote for kicking him out too, if jsut because "Dude Not Funny".

Liked the first mistaken comment just because I have spent days just watching those two.

I'd just gotten into bad movies thanks to the copies of Golden Turkey Awards I found at a small town thrift store, then I read in TV guide about a show that made fun of them. So one Saturday I sat down to watch Hercules & the Captive Women, and was hooked.

Good? He's the best!

Some of my favorites are guest-riffers. NPH did a good job on Wonka, so did Lowtax on Troll 2, and Comics Curmudgeon nailed Spider-Man 2 (which, despite being more an X-Men movie fan at the time, rated above the first two).

I showed Pod People to wrap up a classic party (the next morning), and it went over great, so hopefully I made some converts among the goth crowd I was part of at the time.

And it delivering the killing blow to soap operas, or at least I hope it will.

I was watching TGIF when it happened, and since this was also when I was beginning my Howard Stern obsession I knew there were some great crank calls in the making. So I switched to their favorite target, Larry King - and missed "Robert Higgens" telling Peter Jennings OJ done look scared.

The firehouse in my town uses a siren that those of my generation associate with nuclear attack drills, so yeah, kinda creepy.

Apparently Stewart and her mom post here.

I've heard that, hard as it is to believe, the script he and everyone else signed on for was good and faithful, but they screwed it up with rewrites.

I liked 3, but 2 introduced me to David Warner, so it has that over the third.

Yeah, because one stupid reviewer means the entire site sucks.

Second one's actually a decent horror comedy with a kickass nun protagonist, but the third just sucked.

I love the anecdote about how that was the one movie Christopher Lee felt he shouldn't have done even for the money, and that he actually apologized to Joe Dante for doing it when they did Gremlins 2.

According to his Facebook he's planning an original erotic horror film after, so this might be partly to get that made.

I saw 3 before I saw 2, so it actually helped as I was blown away by Pacino's performance.

Yeah, much as I love Return of the Living Dead as it is (it made me a zombie fan), I'd loved to have seen his version made.