Cory Howell

Yea, because lets elect the one who cant figure out what Classified means after years in office, and steals money from her charity.

Thanks for that whitesplaining. I’ll copy your comment and email it to the Chinese director and primarily Chinese cast. They’ll be grateful that you saved them from their internalized racism.

Oh sorry, wasn’t aware you had access to the script and know Matt Damon’s role so well. So lucky for us that you posted all your links to your information sources. Or maybe according to the director, Matt is one of several heroes and the story is about their collective journey. Wtf am I thinking listening to the

Where did you get the advance copy of the film, or are just making a lot of assumptioms?

Because Generation Snowflake.

Well considering the replies to his tweets, he’s a very special snowflake.

I am not going to say that someone doesn’t have a right to feel what they feel... but damn.... if your skin is THAT thin, what the hell are you doing on the internet? Or in our world? Or you know... not in an Amish cellar somewhere?

Considering that the game is set in a time period around the late late 60's early 70's the feminist protests and fire the black police would fit into the scenario, this isn’t a game that is made in 2016 about police in 2016 rather a game made in 2016 about police from another era.

Casey, prove you are not a bot by responding to this.

I had to stop. Absolutely painful to read. For fucks sake please proofread before clicking that publish button. This place has gone to shit in the past year.

There’s a good chance there’s a Vizio set in your home, and if there isn’t there was a year or two ago.

The TVs track and report back what you’re watching? Dang. That’s some good data right there, even if it is “anonymous.”

The vegan police will be there any minute to take away his vegan powers.

I had the same reaction, how that could be considered “infuriating” is beyond me.

He broke the Vegan law. Shun him! Shun him!

What, he mildly inconveniences himself to be polite?

While it’s full of vaguely infuriating things about Leto—like how he would cheat on his veganism if someone’s mom offered him a homemade cookie and he didn’t want to be rude

Or Cameron nearly drowning the cast of The Abyss. When I heard about that, then that Ed Harris punched him out, I thought “Once again, Ed Harris is right and awesome.”

Hell, Tippi Hedren has been in two films where the director has thrown live animals at her. The first was Hitchcock’s The Birds and the second was Roar, where she and the rest of her actual family were attacked by lions.

And yet it’s rather tame compared to a lot of other directors. I’m pretty sure Kubrick gave Shelley Duvall lifetime PTSD.