Cory Howell

Uhhh why does “The Punisher” get a pass and not this??

Seriously? Directors (especially the great ones do these things ALL THE TIME). It’s nothing at all to get bent out of shape about. Some actors use it as fuel to enhance their performance. What’s wrong with that? Even the actors said that! What’s the purpose of this article??

Dude, show came out same time as Batman Returns, a movie wel-renown for not being “goofy and cartoony”.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw the author say that the animated series came out when the movies were starting to get silly and cartoony. Any bit of common sense shows this came out at the same time as Batman Returns- a movie highly regarded as being darker than the first one as well as explored many

I’m just going to leave this here for people who only know Chris Nolan’s Batman:

You guys dismissed yourselves early on in the conversation by saying it didn’t make sense that the gun got caught on Martha’s necklace - it was an homage to The Dark Knight Returns. That was why it was placed in there.

Everyone should read real reviews from genuine critics like Peter Travers and Richard Roeper. You know people who know what they're talking about and have been doing it for awhile instead of these bloggers who are only invested in the group-think of the rest of social media. Newsflash: not every movie has to been

I noticed how you conveniently left out Hilary Clinton’s “consideration” of an Australia-style gun confiscation if she’s elected. Same thing fascists like Hitler and Mussolini did by the way.