
“woman’s academic arguments”

Citation please. I’m genuinely curious to see what academic arguments are being made here as opposed to anecdotes. If you’re talking about Zoe and Anita making academic arguments I’d just like to point out this. (You can look it up elsewhere that was just the first link I found.) I’m not

I think Riot still has lots of room to improve their community, although it’s easier for them to try and control the behaviour of the professional community which is like <1000 players rather than the actual player base of millions. I mean, most of the players are watching the pros, so I think the goal is just to have

I’m pretty sure calling someone a retard DOES make you an asshole.

I think Let’s Plays (LP) are much more diverse and creative than you present it as. I’m not disagreeing with your points necessarily, it’s just that I think there is a strong effort by members in the community to make LP content more unique than just playing the game. Such as creating their own narrative within the

Using Adblock =/= Pirating.

Piracy = “Using the Internet to illegally copy and/or distribute software, which is an infringement of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (or DMCA) in the United States.”

I’m not seeing the hateful male folks that were predicted to be here either...

I thought this was a fantastic piece! But what I gather from the story, unless I read it wrong, was a failure to prototype. If the “super cut” was as awful as the senior staff thought it was, I don’t get why they had already authorized so many resources to create assets for the game at that point.

The story and very

The issue really complex and strange. The game is allowed to be streamed but not the music. (Obviously the game publishers see it as beneficial to have their game streamed and from personal experience I have bought games because of a youtuber or streamer’s content). The visual competent of the game is perfectly fine

According to the links people sent me, the UK is the world leader in Healthcare effectiveness. So it just goes to show what the difference can look like between the top and the bottom. I find it interesting that a hybrid healthcare system of private and public is what works best.

Ah, sorry for keeping you engaged in this while you work! Thank you for the link (I’m sure it will point me in the right direction) and for your responses!

And I think that’s completely reasonable to ask. I think it would be awful to get a bill after a visit being $500+ (after insurance) and not knowing about it before you went through with something.

Thank you for this post btw. I think you did a good job illustrating what the situation is like.

But I find that $1,500 insane considering I went for blood tests earlier in the year and it didn’t cost me anything where I live. Like if you had told me earlier to guess I would have thought it would have been around the

Ah, very good points! I appreciate your replies by the way! I don’t pretend to know much about Healthcare and what not but I’m always willing to learn these things :p

“it’s getting more and more expensive, just to survive.” Which is the frustrating part because it’s something that shouldn’t be.

The co-payments for each visit is also are shocking, I mean without insurance I can only imagine how high each visit will cost.

And I’ve never heard of community health centers in the US.

Thank you for linking this!

Thank you for the link!

Yeah that’s what I thought, I think in the original post the author I replied to meant that it’s not effective in serving the majority of the US citizens. And I didn’t know that Federal funding/ER part, so that’s why people who can’t afford it leave it so late.

I get distraught when I hear stories like these from hard working people in the US. I just don’t understand why public healthcare isn’t more of an issue in the USA right now? I don’t follow American politics that much, but with the nominations going on right now, I don’t see why building a wall gets more attention

Ah, yes so it’s cheaper to go to a medicentre or walk in clinic rather than put it off until you have to go to ER.

So for example Ontario could be able to negotiate a lower drug price for it’s province because it has a higher population to use as leverage?

Why is malpractice more of an issue in the US? For the most

Speaking of high-quality insurance, doesn’t that create a problem for people who aren’t well insured (but who are still insured) in the sense of things being marked up? To hopefully better articulate my point an example would be when a hospital wants to turn a profit on a patient who has good insurance they will