
This is what I figured what was being said, though I was a bit unsure if he meant the success rate of patients in hospitals in the USA. Because I’ve heard numerous accounts of (wealthy) people going to the USA to get treated from across the world.

“If you don’t have good insurance you’re fucked” Which leads to the underlying premise at the beginning of Breaking Bad. ;)

And why does it cost less per capita in Canada over the US? Is it because people are more likely to go get treated in Canada so there is less of a chance of an illness to spread?

I’m just curious by what you mean “ranks dead last in results”? To my understanding, as an outsider at least, I thought you guys had high quality healthcare but it’s just too friggen’ expensive for the average person.

I don’t think most people here have watched Dunkey before. Let alone realize that he’s probably using this a controversy generator to get views.

It won’t be long before he posts another League video, at least I don’t think so.

I’ve watched him occasionally for years and sometimes I’m not even understand all of his

It doesn’t matter how old he is. His whole gimmick worked, by creating controversy he has gotten plenty of views. That aside though, even though his persona is pretty immature, Dunkey is capable of pulling off some really clever intelligent and observational humour. (Though it is rare for him to do so :P)

The point of the scammers saying their name (let’s say their name is Joe), to my understanding at least, is to bait response such as: “Joe you are an X!” With “X” being any arbitrary threat or in inappropriate name, title, etc.

So when they go to the police they don’t see screenshots of “Username you are an X!” they

If we’re talking about adults preying on other adults, then maybe yes they do deserve it. Because well as an adult you: 1) should know that you can be held accountable for your actions, even online. And 2) should be in control of your emotions.

But in reality we’re talking about adults baiting dramatic responses from

I don’t think we read this the same way. They way I interpreted it was this:

Let’s say for arguments sake that I am a troll and you are a player on my team in the same match of League of Legends (or CS:GO or any other arbitrary competitive game that you might be familiar with). As well in this example assume we both

You have the full game right now with no restrictions! However when the new expansion comes out you won’t be able to play the NEW content until you buy Heart of Thorns (HoT). Which, as Epifante pointed out, are things like the new class, story content and new areas on the map. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but

Technically it is a form of rape depending on the consent laws of where it took place.

Thank you!

I agree, I started with Endless space and the Disharmony expansion felt much larger than the first expansion for Endless Legend. I wish Endless Legend would get another race to play as :(. But as for the assimilation process, it’s very critical to have the right bonuses when you play as the cultists as it drastically

They are releasing Dungeons of the Endless on XB1 if I’m not mistaken. I never heard about the other two being ported.

Yes, it is a computer controlled bot. If someone disconnects or abandons the game the server puts in a bot on their team. Players can tell the bot to “hold position” by using radio commands. If you’re lucky the bot will listen to you and wait at your spawn point. Which obviously didn’t happen in the video. :P. Players

Sorry I didn’t reply to this promptly. I don’t come on Kotaku to often during the weekdays. But I really appreciate your reply! I never knew the TMNT licence has moved around so much over the years. Also I kinda knew that Killer instinct was a reboot, but I never knew that Nintendo had a part in the original!

I like the idea you have for your subscription service, and you might be right about Nintendo being in the right position to do it. But with my limited knowledge, I don’t think it would be very easy or possible to do because I’ve heard a lot of classic and retro games are like in a legal limbo. Like the IP’s and

Hey sorry this is late, but I was wondering what you’re thoughts are on starting SWTOR now or waiting until the new expansion comes out? My friends and I are just getting into SWTOR again (we tried in the past and life just got in the way...) because of the new expansion. Is it worth subbing now to play though all the

Isn't being a "productive member of society" a rather arbitrary term? Like are you under the assumption that he's a homeless bum who drains the welfare system? I'm sure this guy works a job like the majority of the people and is therefore "productive" Regardless, I don't understand how this guy's hobby is any more

"You're actually typing this this shit as if you imagine what you're saying means anything?

Are you actually for real?